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Planet Cyrene Mission Spreadsheet


Well-Known Member
Hey krasko,

That's very interesting, so your in favor of leaving it as is? I remember there were a few players who thought it ought to be nerfed a bit.

Not to hijack this thread but: does anyone else have a case for or against changing the HP?

Looking forward to more replies.


Not sure how is at your end to implement, but i don't see an issue to have 2 or more maturities or even a big boss after a number of kills.
Turrelia server is big and empty. :)


Not sure how is at your end to implement, but i don't see an issue to have 2 or more maturities or even a big boss after a number of kills.
Turrelia server is big and empty. :)

Yeah, it would be nice if these Lurkers could be 'wave' spawned with maturity increased on each wave.
And the Fat Final Boss at the end of course :p


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it would be nice if these Lurkers could be 'wave' spawned with maturity increased on each wave.
And the Fat Final Boss at the end of course :p

Would be fun yes, but we need more hub gear for that. All weapons from hub are low damage, hub armor is only 1 protection and fap give nice heal but have a very high cost to use.

I like the idea of different maturity, one maturity with 90 hp and another one with 150hp. Each on each side of The Pit. About boss, why not but i think it already exist and it called The Beast. Just repair the summoner :D
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Hi all,

for those who downloaded the Spreadsheet, I completed a few updates this morning.

Mission Reward Columns for Panaleon and Tide Claw have been corrected.
The Merfolken section has been re-organised.

Good Luck and Hof everyone. :)

Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
Hey Craftmeister!

Great work on all the information and I understand its not just your work. However, I decided this will be great to sticky for others to find it easier.


DME | Virtualsense

Having Major Fun
If I may jump in here for a minute, the work that was done on this spreadsheet is amazing, and I shared it in our Monrian Born Field Trip to Cyrene thread at the Monria forum, along with the Cyrene Secrets site. You guys have done a great job, I'm really impressed ... so thank you. :)

BTW ... we are on Cyrene for the field trip this whole weekend and this information, as well as what the Cyrene community has shared in Cyrene chat in the game has really been of benefit to us ... we thank you. :)
If I may jump in here for a minute, the work that was done on this spreadsheet is amazing, and I shared it in our Monrian Born Field Trip to Cyrene thread at the Monria forum, along with the Cyrene Secrets site. You guys have done a great job, I'm really impressed ... so thank you. :)

BTW ... we are on Cyrene for the field trip this whole weekend and this information, as well as what the Cyrene community has shared in Cyrene chat in the game has really been of benefit to us ... we thank you. :)


thanks so much for your reply, it is much appreciated! :)

The project started out essentially to try make sense of the missions, and kind of grew from there to consolidate all info for the planet so players can make informed decisions as to mobs, missions and progress. It has helped me tremendously as well, and I was (and am still surprised) at how many people make use of it every day. I have made a decision to make one for each planet (and moon) this year, starting with the smaller ones and leaving Caly and Ark for last so more people will visit the smaller worlds more with all the info at hand. So if it is ok with you, Monria will also be getting one sometime this year, as much as RL issues and work allow me the time to do so.
I hope the field trip (a great idea btw) is successful and everyone in it has a lot of fun, :beerchug:

GL and HOF

DME | Virtualsense

Having Major Fun
Thank you Craftmeister, and that's very generous of you and your time to create a spreadsheet for other locations. Send me a friend request in the game (DarkMoonEnigma) and when you're ready to visit the Moon let me know. I'll give you the VIP treatment and work with you with regard to your information gathering.

And yes, we are truly enjoying ourselves, and looking forward to the special event at the Ice Plateau at 13:00 game time coming up soon.

Looking forward to meeting up with you. :)
Thank you Craftmeister, and that's very generous of you and your time to create a spreadsheet for other locations. Send me a friend request in the game (DarkMoonEnigma) and when you're ready to visit the Moon let me know. I'll give you the VIP treatment and work with you with regard to your information gathering.

And yes, we are truly enjoying ourselves, and looking forward to the special event at the Ice Plateau at 13:00 game time coming up soon.

Looking forward to meeting up with you. :)

Super, thanks DarkMoonEnigma, much appreciated. :)
Hi all,

just the following update:

Thanks to the brave efforts of my fellow Ministry Society members during a weekend Society Hunt on Cyrene, The Duke in the Wave Event was confirmed to have 40k HP and L145, not the 10k HP and L85 as given in EntropiaWiki. If Kris or Lilmc can confirm it would be cool. The spreadsheet has been updated accordingly.

Good Luck and HOF everyone,


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

just the following update:

Thanks to the brave efforts of my fellow Ministry Society members during a weekend Society Hunt on Cyrene, The Duke in the Wave Event was confirmed to have 40k HP and L145, not the 10k HP and L85 as given in EntropiaWiki. If Kris or Lilmc can confirm it would be cool. The spreadsheet has been updated accordingly.

Good Luck and HOF everyone,
Data in wiki is outdated.
Duke 1st appeared on old map as a shared loot mob.
Perhaps data is taken back then.
Data in wiki is outdated.
Duke 1st appeared on old map as a shared loot mob.
Perhaps data is taken back then.

Hi Krasko,
Thanks for your reply. :)
If you or anyone else has any further up to date info in regards to mobs, damage and types of damage, etc I would really appreciate it, also especially in regards to the new mobs.:coffee:
Thanks, GL and HOF

Angel Lovely

New Member
Holeee Cats! The spreadsheet is more confusing than the in-game alternative! But I jest. The sheer weight of the mission vendors on Cyrene has left me scratching my head. I'm more of an organic/holistic thinker so this chart is going to take some time for me to digest, but it's just what I needed - Thanks! Oh and by the way; I came to Cyrene specifically for the H.E.A.R.T. fap mission (which I've completed) but decided to stay because CYRENE IS AWESOME!!
Holeee Cats! The spreadsheet is more confusing than the in-game alternative! But I jest. The sheer weight of the mission vendors on Cyrene has left me scratching my head. I'm more of an organic/holistic thinker so this chart is going to take some time for me to digest, but it's just what I needed - Thanks! Oh and by the way; I came to Cyrene specifically for the H.E.A.R.T. fap mission (which I've completed) but decided to stay because CYRENE IS AWESOME!!

Hello Angel Lovely,

thanks for your comment, much appreciated :)

Gratz on completing the H.E.A.R.T fap mission, awesome work!

Good Luck, Hof and Uber for your other missions :)
