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Planet Cyrene November 28th, 2023 - VU Notes

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
New Additions:
- Many new instances were created in an effort to help overall server stability as well as providing a curated area for especially popular creatures on Cyrene.
– The Cave of Flesh
— A solo instance with a 1,000 Vibrant Sweat entrance fee with dense spawns of all Flesh Rippers
– A.R.C. Forward Camp - ROOT
— A solo instance with a 1,000 Vibrant Sweat entrance fee where you can turn the tide of battle on the beach versus the ROOT menace
– Aerithalas
— The newly opened plane of existence where all manner of Living Vortex can be found in an arid wasteland with a 1,000 Vibrant Sweat entrance fee
– Sky Labs Arret Testing Area
— Venture into the Sky Labs to hunt down natural Arrets that have broken out and into the halls

- Dr. Elara Sterling is looking for Trabeculars, or spongy bones to help in the creation of new armor plating that is strong against cut damage
- Kayde Barns has a couple new texture blueprints to earn from her daily mission: Daily Texture Crafting Challenge - Kayde Barnes
- Ben Keery has a new texture blueprint to earn from his daily mission: Ben's Polka dot Blueprint - Pleak Feathers (daily)
- Horned Whisker Fish, Armored Whisker Fish and Mature Armored Whisker Fish have returned with a new location

- It’s that time of year again, where Zyn’oddy and Zyn’ingle have setup at 0x101 Supply depot to collect and use the Holiday Magic that’s found on special Cyrene creatures.
– Starting in early December, the A.R.C. Jolly Wonderland instance will be opened for all players to hunt down the holiday mobs
– At the same time, the following missions will be available to complete:
— Find the Missing Holiday Textures! (2023 Edition)
— Find the DIFFICULT Missing Holiday Textures! (2023 Edition)
— The Holiday Flower
— Help Rudolph save Christmas! (2023 Edition)
— Zyn'oddy's Oddities - Sculptures (2023)!
– In mid December through the end of the year the holiday gifts will available

- Mining Island has been extended and filled with more ores and enmatters to find
- Swunting in the Rookie area has been expanded to allow more native paneleons to exist
- Private ‘Snow’ Landon’s mission: Arms Merchant - Ozpyn BPX-P1 or Ozpyn BPX-P3, has been reworked to ideally be something players are more interested in (and we’ll be looking for feedback about this).
- Hunter’s cavern mob spawns across all instances now respawn faster
- Hunter’s cavern mob placement and layout for Tide Claws and Zeladoth’s have been updated
- Zyn’viathan - Part 5 of 10 - Stone and Rock has been adjusted, now requiring 5k finds down from 10k

Bug Fixes:
- Byg Byrds should be more securely in their cage
- Various typographical and grammatical errors corrected
- Players should no longer sink into the ground after leaving Hunters Caverns
- After teleporting to New Janus, players should no longer sink into the ground

Known Issues
- Support weapons are not currently working properly, this is a platform issue
- All Cyrene vehicles (P.I.G.V., Spear, Lancer, Dragonfly) have default sounds, this will be addressed in a future patch
- A supplementary mission for Rank 5 of Brown Beetles to give proper mission rewards is not working correctly and will be fixed in a future VU
- Some Quality Ratings information in the blueprint book: A.R.C. is incorrect

Please give RNGesus some time to ensure all items reach their intended recipients and MindArk time to make sure that all missions are activated.


Active Member
Nicely written notes. Will have to check out the actual content soon I guess. At least one thing is a rather mixed issue... again.


New Member
Re: Private ‘Snow’ Landon’s mission: Arms Merchant - Ozpyn BPX-P1 or Ozpyn BPX-P3, has been reworked to ideally be something players are more interested in (and we’ll be looking for feedback about this).

It's possible to accidentally abandon this mission on completion without collecting the reward. It would be good if this was not possible. Here's how to do it.
- Complete the mission and speak with Landon
- Select an option (eg. Trade Animal Oil Residue for Ozpyn BPX-P3)
- Select "I changed my mind, no thanks." (I selected this because I didn't have enough residue in my inventory.)

I can't remember what dialogue came next (none? and I'm not doing it again to find out!), but essentially the completed mission was abandoned.

When I spoke to Landon again, he gave me the mission - again, and the previously-full bar was completely empty.

I completed the kills again and this time, I came prepared, and successfully traded with him to obtain the weapon.

This is a much better deal than the previous one. :dancinggirls:
However, it would be helpful if the above listed steps did not result in accidentally abandoning the mission, or at least requested confirmation (eg. Do you really want to abandon and reset this mission, losing all progress?). It seems odd that anyone would want to do that after completing it and talking to him, but stranger things have happened!

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hello Jalia,

This should be fixed in today's Mini Patch, you can see the notes here: LINK

Thanks for letting us know!
