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Planet Cyrene October 2014 VU Preview


Active Member
Right now all the mobs will have the same stats that they had from the last VU. There should be fair amount of different mob levels for all player skill levels.

That's not to say that they can't be unlocked in the future.


All is good and I know the C-Team will work it out, I was just a little set back way back when when people asked for high level mobs so in turn you cranked up the stats on all mobs as a fast fix.


again, I have no idea...
Before the big upheaval I would like to say a big thank you to Thanatos, for example, for his Cyrene secrets site.
I wonder if the statues of the pioneers and hard workers will be transported to the new area....

On the question of Cyrene mobs, missions, progression etc, will there be a PP site with updated information on them now, so that new players can feel well informed about the environment around them without it needing to be players putting the information together and repeatingly updating it?


But but, that is part of the fun


Active Member
Yes, a looong time ago part of the fun was spending a lot of time finding stuff out. It still can be now as well, ofc, but many many new players nowadays will want the 'spoon-fed app version' of how to progress (at least initially). Lose them and you lose the population numbers Cyrene needs so badly....

This is another one of those 'new opportunity' times with the return of taming and a new landscape, plus mech battles, fractions, story development etc. soon.

Not long ago I revisited the massive Ancient Greece maze (Next Island) to see if I could remember the route to the centre without making too many mistakes.... a great challenge, but nobody there that time either....
I wonder how many people have ever been there? .... just saying.... and repeating my opinion that the PP needs to provide real info (a bit like the update info and previews, actually, but structured more like a database of info like the Cyrene secrets site has been designed).... Thanks again! :)


Well-Known Member
today i realized how happy i am going to be to get rid of verifier franklin... not so much the hassle of going to him as i do mist crafting there anyways... but for the damn humming...

in the future can cyrene please never use the bored emote for a npc again

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

We are all going to be relocated into the SE quadrant and the Janus, Turellion and ARC areas might be unlocked with player involvement - based on faction activity for example?

This is almost intelligent and will make life really interesting.

Yes, this the plan, but based off of more factors then faction activity.

Map resolution looks higher in the new area.

It's just a different style.

Before the big upheaval I would like to say a big thank you to Thanatos, for example, for his Cyrene secrets site.

100% Him and his website are awesome! (Which is why you can find it in the Launcher

I wonder if the statues of the pioneers and hard workers will be transported to the new area....

You can see them in the screenshot in the main post, I'll reupload here:

New 0x101 Supply Depot.jpg

On the question of Cyrene mobs, missions, progression etc, will there be a PP site with updated information on them now, so that new players can feel well informed about the environment around them without it needing to be players putting the information together and repeatingly updating it?

I think that Cyrene Secrets does a pretty good job of showing the missions and mobs. As for the progression part of it there will be a stickied post that details the current progression and initial unlocks.

I hope this answers everyone's questions.



Well-Known Member
yumm...remember this screenie early in the year ? Inverted Zyn Pyramid ?


cheers ..and skylabs - gonna look awesome

Cant wait to get to work in unlocking the rest of the 'future' Cyrene Planet .

Our Cyrene 'new beginnings' begins October 14th ..Have Fun

Agis :)
I really hope that we will be able to ride pet Arret!

The preview looks amazing, really looking forward to the dynamic content and seeing how the players shape future events.


Yeah, I did it. So what?
today i realized how happy i am going to be to get rid of verifier franklin... not so much the hassle of going to him as i do mist crafting there anyways... but for the damn humming...

in the future can cyrene please never use the bored emote for a npc again

Him?? I thought Franklin was a girl????

Computer..... OOhhhh,, Computer..... Now where is that damn NEW Computer?????? It should have been here by now. :banghead:


again, I have no idea...
Yes, a looong time ago part of the fun was spending a lot of time finding stuff out. It still can be now as well, ofc, but many many new players nowadays will want the 'spoon-fed app version' of how to progress (at least initially). Lose them and you lose the population numbers Cyrene needs so badly....

A big part of why I say that gathering info is part of the fun is because I love gathering info and putting it in the wiki for others to use.

One of the examples is the Cyrene mission page (not info I gathered, that was mostly @Neuromancer the past few weeks). It has a map with popup boxes telling you info about the mission and a list of mission below that with even more info.

This will of course all be obsolete when the new Cyrene arrives after the VU, but we will try to gather info about new locations etc. as soon as possible. So I hope Neuromancer will be up for another round of Mission Collecting after this VU :)


@Kris | Cyrene
Will the NPC that gave out the missions still be giving the same missions, even thought the NPC's themselves will be moved? Meaning will changing the locations of the NPC in the wiki be enough to correct the mission table? (except for the ones you mention in the OP)


Active Member
Just to make sure.
This 'eviction' the new area is still going to be considered 'cyrene' correct?
Specifically: The stuff we have in storage, will still be available for us in the new area correct? The Auction House etc is still the same, it's not going to be Like Arkadia .vs. Arkadia Underground style correct?


Edit: ok kind of vague, when we move, we will still have access to our stuff that we have in storage?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

@Kris | Cyrene
Will the NPC that gave out the missions still be giving the same missions, even thought the NPC's themselves will be moved? Meaning will changing the locations of the NPC in the wiki be enough to correct the mission table? (except for the ones you mention in the OP)

Yes, all the NPCs that gave out missions before will still be there, but moved. I don't how you guys have the wiki set up but the only thing that's changing about the NPCs is that they are in a new centralized location. I would like to stress that:

NO missions will be removed this VU, all the current missions can still be completed.

Edit: ok kind of vague, when we move, we will still have access to our stuff that we have in storage?

Yes, it will still be considered 'Cyrene" and not other planet/area (like the Hub for example, which has a separate storage).

I blame Kris... He mentioned that Franklin was a "she" in some other post somewhere,,,, it's all his fault :bduh:

100% I went and double checked in game, Verifier Franklin is male. I have updated the original posting.



New Member
Lots of things to be fixed - just arrived on the planet yesterday and tried some of the new missions (new since I last visited). Many broken NPC, sunken miner bots, mobs VERY hard to hit.

Just finished the Puny Crystal Pede missions - if this is what a new player is supposed to enjoy, I'm lost for words: the mob cannot be hunted normally but via the health bar, otherwise is near impossible to hit it. Furthermore even if the mob health is 30 HP (pretty high for a puny, btw) it feels like 50HP, so many evades. I would mention loot too, which someone "forgot" to adjust to a 3 times "fatter" - hp wise - puny.

To make things worse, somehow the area is PVP - a fresh player is more likely not to know that shooting in the air (really easy with those tiny mobs jumping all over) will consume ammo.

LOTS of things to be fixed!


Active Member
Tepes. The PvP thing is a bug. If you are in a PvP area and teleport out, the PvP status can follow you sometimes and you find the pvp icon lit in areas that it is not supposed to be. Im not sure if you really are PvP I've never tried it to see if you could kill others, they could do you or what but do know logging 'resets' that problem.

I do agree though, and it has been brought up in several other areas in the forum as well that there are a lot of 'issues' with mobs, hit boxes, loots, and the pvp bug thing that really need to be fixed.

Hopefully this is part of why they are 'shutting down' Cyrene before the main roll out, so they can fix all this stuff before they go official with it. It would be really disappointing if they shut it down, did all their whatever with it, then came live with it and left all the known, many significant - problems still there. Im sure they will do the right thing though. They are not MA ::smirk::


New Member
For what is worth, I was not in PVP after log-in. The same PVP I got in the Mutated Dire area near Zimbro Village, with same behavior - shooting in the air consumes ammo, so at least that is consistent with true PVP.

Hopefully this is part of why they are 'shutting down' Cyrene before the main roll out, so they can fix all this stuff before they go official with it. It would be really disappointing if they shut it dow, did all their whatever with it, then came live with it and left all the known, many significant - problems still there. Im sure they will do the right thing though. They are not MA ::smirk::

Could not agree more. All those bugs and nasties like hit boxes trailing for a long time have to be fixed, and if they are not fixed me think the planet will be next in line after NI. If is MA fault being way too slow implementing patches, maybe there is a way for them to be held responsible, financially, otherwise will never learn.

Edit: revisited the area and indeed is not PVP for me anymore. So a bug, maybe I did pass a pvp area without noticing.
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