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Planet Cyrene Quarterly Player Loading Screen Submission

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hello everyone,

Now announcing the Planet Cyrene Player Loading Screen Submission!

Players will have an opportunity to submit a screenshot of them on Planet Cyrene, the Hub, or any Cyrene based instance to add to the loading screen and a player quote (subject to editing from the Cyrene Team to make sure it follows EU guidelines).

Ideally the quote should be something related to Cyrene or Entropia in general and should NOT include any derogatory, defamation or anything out of context, as well as any advertising for player run services.

The Cyrene Team will choose 2-3 winners per VU cycle to add to the rotation until the next VU.

The image should be a:
1920 x 1080 screenshot @ 72 DPI (default screenshot resolution).
Here's an example:

If there any questions or comments please ask them in this thread.


Active Member
My avatar has refused to look directly at me for years now

edit: I typed this hours ago but did not send it. Now, when I looked at this page it suddenly uploaded it.
If destiny wants this posted, then I should say that it has annoyed me for years too, and as one of the things that would stop me from entering this competition.
Sorry for the down beat - I wish others happy creativity, though.

edit2: I like the middle one best as well, but would hope for an alternative caption to better capture that mood ...
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New Member
Hey, Jetsina,

How do you turn the camera? If I use right click + drag, the head moves, if I use left click + drag, head looks to the front. Maybe that helps?

Regarding the caption: if you have a better idea, please share :)


Active Member
Ah, I'll give it a try thanks.

Caption more wistful maybe:
Cyrene, where even a swamp at night can be magical ...
So much to see: the mists of Cyrene and moments in time.

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Are there prizes?

The prize is having your screenshot chosen to be one of the main loading screens that appear.

I hope the old ones will remain, those drawings are amazing!

They won't be removed in its entirety, but we do want players to see their screenshots so the chosen images will be the primary in the loading screens variation and ours will be secondary.

Keep your eye out though, we've got some new ones that will be thrown into the mix!