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Planet Cyrene Quarterly Player Loading Screen Submission

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene

"Never give up! Trust your instincts!"


Active Member
Alternative suggestion for top Rusty one ^^: Cyrene: even vehicle recovery can be a scenic delight!
Some entries are not screenshots with the avatar, but I think a couple of those are still very good indeed.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey everybody,

I wanted to say thank you to everyone for taking the time to post up for this contest, it's been great to see everyone's ideas and quotes!

We're going to close this thread on the 15th for submissions, and we'll announce the chosen submissions after the next PP VU.

Cheers, Kris
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Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
When you say winners it implies a kind of reward, is there one?
Otherwise I think the right thing to say would be you'll choose the submissions that are being picked, but even if you choose my image I am no winner as I am not winning anything.


Lifetime Platinum Elite Member

The sound when your images are accidentally deleted from the voting machine during the night.


Active Member
The winners are the ones whose pictures and text will be used for the screens. We already know there isn't planned to be any prize beyond the fame - as things stand.