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Planet Cyrene Review

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Anthony Morris

New Member
Ok my REVIEW of Cyrene,

Today was my first day on Cyrene and I came here with the expiations of a glitch horrible little place well…. I was surprised to find out that it really was not to bad a lot better than I expected. But there are good and bad issues that I think should not have come out with the soft launch, and yes I know it is a soft launch so some items will not be available. (On a side note I bet all the ubers who saved major ped to come and try to loot the first of this and the first of that as not only ubers but uber ticked off lol. Meaning they will hit the forums complaining that they didn’t get this or didn’t get that so it will be interesting to see what ppl say lol. Anyway back to my review)

I will start with the bad because every wants to know the bad news before the good news.

I came here with no expectations and even with peds I came as a noob with just enough to get by if I got in a pickle. I started at the start point and started with a mission to help me wake up in the new world and offered me a nice story line, I started the missions and then got to the point where I had to go to the tt machine to “BUY” a weapon. Really one of the missions is you have to BUY a weapon from the tt machine, not only do you have to buy a weapon but the weapon you have to buy is not even in the tt machine(well it is but it’s called something different). Come to find out a lot of the missions don’t work and are incomplete, this is to be expected. But to have the new players that start here, have to DP on the first day really did you guys put so much money in the developing that you could not afford to give the new player a low low low tt weapon with great eco, kind of like arkadia did?

My personal experience is this, when I started I did not DP for the first month or so why? Because I wanted to make sure I would like the game and stay playing it. Most ppl who just come in the game DO NOT & WILL NOT DP until they see if they like it and well........... They can’t even get a weapon to try the game out so they are stuck at the beginner point naked without even as much as a sweating tool? I know I know all the ubers are saying DP and play, but I say to you. Do you look at a commercial of a car and go straight to the dealership and buy the car without even taking it for a test drive first? No, you don’t and if you go on a test drive do they charge you for the gas? Again, NO and if they did charge would you take the test drive? Probably not, this is the same scenario.

The point is this; new players will come and try it out first just to see if they like it. If they do then they will most likely DP and continue to play, but in order to get to that point they must be able to play and not having missions where they can get starter equipment for FREE is IMO an epic fail. I had a buddy who loves the sifi and wanted to wait until this planet came out to join well......... he was disappointed that he was not able to do even the basics like hunt, mine, or even complete the basic missions because one of the first missions were to "BUY" a weapon from the tt machine??????? Really!!!! So this is the way to get new players to join and stay? I would be so bold to say even on a soft launch this is not a good idea. Why? Because it turns ppl away and with MA they know it will take forever to get it fixed if they fix it at all. So the soft launch IMO was an epic fail for the new player experience.

I know this personally because my buddy is very reluctant to give it a try saying all they want is money. I explained it takes time so he might give it a try again but only because I reassured him it is a work in progress (on a side note he did have a fellow give him a ride around in their quad and give him a weapon and some ammo. He told me the Avatar’s name but atlas I did not write it down). So for the new player just joining the game this is not a very friendly planet to get started on. What it seems is they want their investment back ASAP instead of thinking of the player first. Remember you have to give to receive you want the player to stay give him the basics to be able to try the game. I know they want to say the sooner the player DP’s the more likely he will stay, but I say to you if the player can’t even leave the spawning point because he has no equipment, how long do you think he will really stay??? Like a car from a dealership do they send you on your way with no gas, or do they give you enough to at least get to the gas station? They actually fill up your tank (unless you buy a used car then who knows… but you still have gas to leave the lot).

Now for the Good the mobs I ran into were uber cool and nice for a beginner I brought one of my noob disciples with me to see what they thought and even thought the mobs were really big and scary it was something they were able to kill and skill on. Also the terrain was very manageable (although it was dark lol) and some sheer cliffs that were masked by the darkness lol. The TP were already there how great is that especially for the new player and I know some will disagree but look at it this way…. There are several land masses not like caly or the other planets that have several large land masses these are smaller land masses so it give the new player the opportunity to explore all areas without having to swim for hours on end. So major plus there it was a great idea to include the basic TP’s for the different areas. And there are places in the sky that makes players strive to get a chopper or other flying device so they can take a look. I think after the loot pull is fixed then this planet would be pretty cool, because I did come and mine, hunt and explore.

Also a SUPER, SUPER thing is this “NO PVP”!!!!! I know there is going to be a lot of backlash on this but here you go if you like PVP enjoy it on Caly where they don’t care about the player because they deal in sheer volume. I have no problem with pvp provided you don’t let the player get in a mob and take damage and then shoot them on the back (I will not mention names but you know who you are). You want to rob players stay on caly and steal there enjoy the pvp go to space and become a pirate, but I forgot most pvp’s hide just outside range and wait until you get a mob on you and then move in for the kill shooting you in the back. But I’m not here to debate that I’m here to give a personal look and personal feedback on a new and exciting planet.

So ALL-IN-ALL really nice planet just need to make it a little more noob friendly with the giving of the basic required item, not item a person would like to have but the necessities like weapon, ammo, healing tool, sweating tool, mining tool, refiner. Other items like the flame thrower and swords and such could be bought if they wanted them. But let’s be honest to try to charge a new player who has just made an account and waited the 12-24 hours for the complete download is a little selfish and greedy. I know when I hit the planet my first time I hit the ground walking not running walking why? Because I wanted to enjoy the views and not miss a thing, but it was even greater to go and have missions that would give me the equipment and instructions needed to play. That is what this new planet lacks and without it I would think it will be another Next Island……….with a pointless starting point and missions that make you have to repair the weapon they give you in a matter of a few mobs. So my 2.5 pecs worth is this………. give the new player the basic equipment they need to play the game and make them efficient so they don’t die like the ones in Greece (after 2 hits lol) this will allow the new player to experience the game and really see what fun they could have. Otherwise you could rename the planet Next Island II.