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Planet Cyrene Winter Preview 2022

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I’m here again to share the new additions, changes, and updates coming to Planet Cyrene in the next PP VU.

To start, we’ve added a quality of life warp from 0x101 Supply Depot to the main area of the Undersea Folken to allow players direct access to this area. Similar to other warps there are no requirements so any players can use them.



The Zekkonians have graciously accepted a proposal to move their floating islands over to new Janus to allow all players a new area to mine and some creatures have already started to settle in these areas as well.



To further elaborate on that, we’ve also worked to improve several creature spawns in this area and the Robot Base Z.R.Q. area to be more plentiful with adjustments to placement and density.



Furthermore, the Land Area has been further adjusted to allow for not only larger and denser spawns of Flesh Rippers, but the entire Flesh Ripper hunting area has been improved and enlarged.



There is a new Imperium Ranger with 3 maturities that have been seen skulking around in different areas of the planet.

Any players who enter the area when these NPC are around will get a mission to kill it.
If you do hunt down and dispatch this Imperium Ranger you’ll be awarded a set number of A.R.C. Badges depending on the maturity level. Be warned, the Imperium Rangers are elusive and won’t always be available.


Planet Cyrene is VERY happy to announce our first joint mission with another planet partner: Next Island.

All players who are on Cyrene or come to Cyrene will need to talk to Lt. Harris at the 0x101 Supply Depot to start the mission.


Of course, it’s about that time of year again, and the holidays have come to Planet Cyrene!

There are several updates to the traditional holiday missions that we have each year, as well as a couple of new missions for all skill level of players to participate in.

The missions will be available starting early December 2022.

Holiday creatures have invaded Cyrene for the season too, and the normal location around /wp [Planet Cyrene, 136673, 77210, 136, Waypoint]

  • Jolly Swamp Lurkers
  • Jolly Jelly Worms
  • Jolly Byg Byrd
Which have a chance to drop Holiday Magic, used for all things during the holiday.

After the middle of the month the holiday gifts will go out as well (note, the gifts will be larger to compensate for the lack of Halloween gifts).



For the last few VUs we’ve been testing, tweaking and adjusting a special area that will open next year: a unique hunting area opened for a limited time throughout the year.

We’ll let the pictures speak for themselves without saying too much but once it’s closer to opening we will divulge the full information.




This about wraps it up for everything we are ready to show.

Naturally there will be bug fixes and improvements to missions and text that we always try to improve upon.

Thank you for reading and thanks for playing on Planet Cyrene.

Looking forward to seeing you during the holidays!

The Cyrene Team


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