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Pleak mission feedback


Sandal San Tolk
It is finally done and the data gathered above most likely obsolete by now. I ended up with a good bit less than the anticipated 100k kills. After the VU which introduced the Looter profession, drop rate for the rare wings has increased by 50-80% for me, some runs yielded twice as many as before. At just under 3000 (wings, not kills) to go, there is some sample size gathered on this side now also. I can't say for sure whether it has to do with the new profession, since there could be other changes under the hood. But evidence taken at face value, it might hint at Looter working in a similar fashion as Evader, i.e. it's the ratio of your level to mob level determining your chance for better loot quality (not quantity - overall returns were rather bad lately). I got started with level 15 in Looter and we have a L1 mob here so if the mechanism is as suggested, it should work out for everyone. Good luck to all who go about this in the future. It's the cheapest 100 stamina tokens you can get in the universe, not counted the value of your time of course.


Active Member
hey guys,

would be great to see the pleak mission continue and give a chance to work out 10k rare wings for next attributes , this will be a similar reward but on a different scale for noob challenge instead of clothes u get attributes each 10k rare wings, there are 4 more left for a sequel.



New Member
I guess that's not surprising. Thanks for the reply all the same :)

I'd still like to have the answer to the other question(s) if anyone happens to know that.

I'm 5k through the 4th stage and only have around 3k wings so far. Maybe I'll get to 10k by the end of the 6th stage. Maybe.

Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
Hey everyone!

I'll chime in on this since Kris without a doubt knows I wear the feathers better.

Is this a repeatable mission?

Not Yet! It was always a plan I had and was just too lazy to push a few buttons. I'm sure we can figure out a fresh sequels instead of the typical grind fest.

Will the wings keep dropping if I complete the mission or reach 10k drops?

Absolutely! The wings will keep on dropping like normal creature items such as Animal Hide.



New Member
Just noticed these responses. Thanks guys.

I'm gonna grind on these a while to make it through all the stages and get the 10k wings. Then maybe I'll see about grinding out another 10k to try and resell :)

Would be nice to have a sequel for it though. Looking forward to that happening in the future maybe :)

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey diaochan,

You can start this mission with Ben Keery - Pleak Ornithologist at 138729, 77595.
Very near to the rookie training TP.
