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Please run EL client


I'd just like to ask all cyrene players to run the http://www.entropialife.com/default.aspx client if possible.

I had 17 globals today and only 1 registered :( This is because it needs data from 3 clients to confirm a global.

Some players will look at the data in EL and assume the planet is dead and not worth visiting. It helps everyone to build up a player base, and I think getting the data into the trackers is one way to help.


New Member
same problem here, i don't think that EL works well, we could have 5-6 clients running and in site it should show only 1-2, so it's something impossible to track your globs here


Thanks guys :)

Don't forget that the client will auto screengrab your own globals, and it can also be used to track your hits/misses/eco when hunting with a single weapon; so it's also useful personally.


Active Member
On the screen grab, set the time delay to about a second, otherwise it might miss it if there is any lag, or get a blank screen and no loot showing.

it needs data from 3 clients to confirm a global.
As Stelios already says above, it doesn't really work that way. Both rats run clients, hence theoretically it would need just one more; still, just about an half of our globals on Cyrene are tracked.

Pardon my French, but probably the only real solution is for Cyrene to sell a land area or two to BIG guys so that they have an incentive to fix EL.


Active Member
We can't even get them to open up shops yet let alone sell entire land areas.
I don't think it's about 'fixing' the tracker but that is to avoid possible fraud by people messing with logs and such.



Wierd but i think ALL of my globals are properly tracked so far and i hunt at different hours during day (of course i run my client when i play). I traveled to Cyrene exactly 1 month ago and started my adventure here and checking my history at EL site and only place where there "might" be missing one or two globals is when i was hunting them Weak Scout Bots (but probably there are all).

So it seems i have no problems hre so far.



New Member
EntropiaLife is not broken, there is nothing to fix.

The number of clients required to validate a global is 3 for a given planet. To ensure 100% accurate data on EntropiaLife more than the minimum clients are required. The amount of clients running on Cyrene on average are up by 300% but not enough to assure 100% accurate data. There are still moments when the amount of clients drop below 3.