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Post VU Notes 12.6.1

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I know everyone is hunting around for Low Grade Power Supplies, and I wanted to share some of the spawn locations with you.

Scout Bot 100/200 at: 133839 86210 North of Marsh Base B.A.R.A.L.

Scout Bot Collector XT at: 129014 77768 Far South of The Brim on the lower continent

Scout Bot Gen 3 at: 127960 80706 Far east of Volcano Beach

Scout Bot 799 at: 124077 81116 South of Base Camp Oak
Or at: 128400 88038 West of Waterfall Perimeter
Or at: 126709 88422 East of Base Camp Gamma

I hope this information helps everyone find what they are looking for, but I have another issue to address.

I'm sure you are all aware of the issues we had with the spawners. Most of them have returned but some are still not working correctly, namely the instant spawners, and as a result some quests can not be completed at this time, they are:

  • Lord Psycidon
  • Regent Halbird
  • Clearing the Den
  • Hollingsworth's Other Task!
  • "Scary" Hackfin
  • L.T.'s Viewing Pleasure
  • Helping Harwell
  • Guy's Mission
  • Dr. Nikolo's Bug Problem
  • Merfolken Beach Head?
  • Destroy the robot menace
  • Gathering Parts

We are working with MindArk to get this issue resolved as soon as possible.


New Member
y u no want my ped ?

seriously though, what is happening? spawn problems used to be pretty easy to solve if I remember correctly, is ma just neglecting you guys?

I really want some new vehicles :(


The spawns are there but they do not appear to loot the parts.

250 kills and nothing so far - ill keep going out of curiosity.

The mission Gathering Parts should be renamed if in 50 kills not one parts drops - a little misleading to the newer players who may simply give up hunting those mobs once the mission is completed. Even then, 8 parts are required for crafting the light power cells and 10 of those are needed. Overall a very expensive exercise imo.


New Member
I went up to the docks and had a Low Grade Power Supply drop from a 799 bot, but then decided it was easier to hunt the 100's north of Marsh Base B.A.R.A.L. I got three more Low Grade Power Supplies from the first four bots, but after that (including two freeze screen ctd's) I didn't see any more drop from those bots.


A pixel guy
I got three more Low Grade Power Supplies from the first four bots, but after that (including two freeze screen ctd's) I didn't see any more drop from those bots.
They come in waves in all scout bots. For 10-15 minutes every bot drops it, then comes a break (don't know how long, but 20+ mins).


New Member
I think the pattern changed? I could see patterns from all 30/35 min for about 10 mins, another pattern loot drops where only for about 4 min., and another time it took them 70 min to drop again- but then they did that for about 20 min. I think the table changes quite abit and if a pattern is worked out and known... someone will maybe change it again ;)

I also had alot of crashes in Marsh Base BARAL. I crashed about 12 times in a row when more as 3 or 4 players are hunting there. Could be worse, but makes hunting quite difficult and you burn alot of ammo this way


New Member
the waves are too slow, first three mobs i got drops, last few hundreds o' peds nothing. changed location, went back, but no more supplies :(

how much you need to kill before the fenris guard arrives btw?


New Member
6-8 little bots for each Fenris - killed 3 in 15 minutes yesterday. I suspect that you await them in wrong places :). They spawn in 2 docks (they're Dock Guardians, after all), shown with markers on the map in the Agis' post.
Thanks but I'm in the right places.
Sometimes they popped up slower, sometimes faster.


New Member
ok so if i read all these post's right. Loot only drops at certain times now? what kind of scam is this??????? and patterns? how do u get patterns from a supposed "random drop generator"which MA claims is in effect?

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Its not loot drops at certain time, You have to fill the loot pool up then when it hits the limit it drops random robot parts like crazy. Do it in a team and they drop faster each gap before parts drop u have to kill 30-50 robots but worth it if u farm all day.


A pixel guy
Its not loot drops at certain time, You have to fill the loot pool up then when it hits the limit it drops random robot parts like crazy. Do it in a team and they drop faster each gap before parts drop u have to kill 30-50 robots but worth it if u farm all day.
It's possible and conforms with my ideas how the loot system works overall, but when I farmed the bots all day long on Saturday the length of cycles was the same at the peak times (5-8pm MA, when HQ's most crowded) and at the dead time (1-3am MA, practically nobody at HQ and I could well be the only bot hunter on the planet at the time :)) - it was the same 25-30 mins break, then ~10 mins long wave during which each bot did drop the parts. Also, the length of the wave was the same for me when I was killing XT scouts with opalo sga (3-4 shots) and when I decided to use korss h400 (1 shot with overkill) - the same ~10 mins, only 4 times more kills and parts :).

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
I was doing the Lvl 14 Scout Bots 799 at the docks with the fenris, those seem to drop the best and always do them in teams it seems to fill the loot pool faster and like i said its not set times just when u farm u notice regular intervals so it has to be based on amount of ammo u used to fill the pool.