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Predictable loot waves


Yes - i figured out the XXX scrap metal (the rare one at first with +5k% markup) from jelyworms was droping like that.

It is very obvious and after 3-4 hours of hutning every smart hunter will notice this. Not sure yet if this has changed on Cyrene since i am here back for few days and have not grinded much yet.



Active Member
scrap metal falls from a few mobs but yes there seem to be waves. Armor used to be that way too.



Sandal San Tolk
There I've been around in EU but I guess my playing style is pretty autistic, as I haven't searched nor listened to folks and every of their little tricks :D

Only thing I had noticed, for a while I got something good in the loot within minutes every time I deposited myself. After the fourth instance I didn't believe in coincidence anymore. But it went away again so I surmised they were playing with the screws. Then I noticed it gets better every Saturday when everybody else deposits for their weekend play, and it runs dry noticeably over Sat+Sunday. Not sure if this is still so, been on and off too much since.

But knowing the above, one can't help but feel a little betrayed because then it's no wonder you get sh*t most of the time if the casino offers ways of being exploited which only some have the capacity to utilize. Officials can't talk about it for obvious reasons, as distribution mechanism is the core trade secret.

I don't understand though why things put into the loot pool have to drop within such a narrow and regular time frame. I would think that needed to happen only with special items in timed events. Does loot get refilled with a simple cron job which can be easily figured out with a little attention? Man, I'd have expected more sophistication... Or I just don't get a lot of things yet.


Well-Known Member
I guess being such a loot professors bring you thousands of dollars each moth.
Ahh and that 45 min crap lurking around for a long time.


Well-Known Member
it was true here for along time could park a lancer or sleip in the old scout bot spawn and hop out every 45ish min and loot 1-2 chips and power supplies tried it the other day seems to be changed somehow but not really interested in plotting it out :)


Active Member
Although MA claims there are no personal loot pools, I bet there are personal 'stats' that can 'affect' the loot pool. They can tweak stuff to give or not give on certain circumstances. Ie parking a mob and just shooting every 45 minutes, if they did a simple if x player did not do y kills or cycle z ped from last nice drop to this coming nice drop the x player chance of getting nice drop is .00001 percent... you get the idea. Technically it is not a 'personal' loot pool since it can affect more than one person, but is a manip that can help work around those folks who would attempt to exploit. For obvious reasons nobody would ever own up to something like that but it'd be easy to do to balance the game.

just thinking out loud.
