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Purchase credits go to....


Question... this'll seem a little sideways but...... when I buy from Auction, on Cyrene, but have to buy from Auction on, say, Caly... and have it "shipped" to me, on Cyrene..... who gets the credits/tax, whatever .. Cyrene or Caly ?


Active Member
the transportation fee is supposed to be saved up and given out in a space mission that requires deliveries to different places, but uh, well, you know... Mindark... hmm... such a thing never existed, or will likely, so it all goes to Mindark probably, just like all shop taxes on Calypso does for places that aren't on an LA (Omegaton, etc.), etc.


Sooo... buying/selling on a particular planet remotely doesn't give any planet any kind of credit... like with a managed area ?


Active Member
not really clear... and planet partners are probably under nda so cannot talk... at one point in time it the affiliate program webpage indicated that fees get split evenly between mindark and pp, but not sure if that's the case with auction fees or not.