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The Hub Quick fix for the HUB skill override bug


Travelling through time...
Some of you might have noticed that many players have problems with the HUB skill override. When entering into one of the HUB arenas, for some players skills doesn't override as it should and they don't have maxed weapons. I recently found out, only because I started using Turrelion Spec Psy-Blade that I'm not maxed outside the HUB, that I also get the same bug.

I noticed one thing, that this bug appears after teleporting somewhere. No matter if it is entrance into arena or just one of those teleporters in paid arenas, but it sometimes happens after using them.

I found a quick solution to fix it, at least it is working for me and I hope it works for everyone else too. If you notice that you are using items slower that you should or you get strange FAILED messages on a lot of hits that means you are bugged.

To solve it, I personally just shoot one time with Turrelion Spec RPG (Rocket launcher available in TT). It doesn't matter if you damage someone or just shoot it in the air. After that you should be able to use any other weapons at max uses per min (and I guess also damage) as you should when maxed.

It might be just my avatar's specific bug but I thought it is worth to share the information about how I fix it. Maybe it can fix some strange item behavior for others too. Please comment to let us know if it is working or not or if you find any other strange things happening in there :)


Travelling through time...
Tested - Turrelion Psy-Blade attack speed can be fixed by any other weapon. If you get slow reload or a lot of Failed between hits then just use any other weapon one time and it should return to normal. I will check Duster Slicer, maybe there is a workaround for it too.

EDIT: Uses per minute can be fixed with the above method. Need someone else to test if the damage can be fixed too.
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New Member
I did not see this post till after George Ace Skywalker told me how to remedy it. Thank you both.