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Quick updates

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Hello everyone,

As of July 7, 2021 the following drop rates have been increased:
  • Renegade Adjusted Component
  • Renegade Improved Component
  • Renegade Modified Component
  • Renegade Augmented Component
  • Renegade Perfected Component
  • Tanhok Amber
  • Wasp Queen Parts
  • Blue Icy Crystal
(if there are any other quick changes I will be adding them to this post)
Stay safe out there :bye:
Last edited:
Q: Did those changes took effect today or earlier already? I noticed an increase of tanhok amber drop rates yesterday (3 was looted in 2h). But at the same time, I killed 74 wasp queens and got 0 parts yesterday...

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Q: Did those changes took effect today or earlier already? I noticed an increase of tanhok amber drop rates yesterday (3 was looted in 2h). But at the same time, I killed 74 wasp queens and got 0 parts yesterday...

All I can say is that the change was made on the date stated in my post.

Stay safe out there :bye:


Fate Thanatos Themis
Screenshot 07_08_2021 23_17_01.jpg

new discoveries are a good sign that MA actually did something this time :monkey_slap:


Active Member

could anyone make here an editable list of those items and the creatures that have them in loot composition?


Aryana Ary Softheart

Active Member
maybe they need to be increased a bit more:

Renegade Adjusted Component AC Wolfy Rockstar Sun, 01 Aug 2021 05:20:19
Renegade Adjusted Component Banna tBANNA ARHItARtDES Thu, 29 Jul 2021 13:02:32
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Renegade Adjusted Component Fate Thanatos Themis Mon, 21 Jun 2021 20:53:48
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Renegade Adjusted Component Phoenix Phoenix Fire Thu, 03 Jun 2021 17:27:46