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Refined materials chart

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Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
I dunno if you still update this, but I looted a
Ozpyn RLB S1X1

from a level 2 watch sea wraith, so any wraith can drop it I think


Travelling through time...
Updated and improved.

Now you can also see material images. It should be easier to search for particular material in the game when you know how it looks like.

Default search by Ctrl+F also works.

Material Combinations


Travelling through time...

Improved B.E. Armor creation

Zoom out - Ctrl+Alt+Numpad-
Zoom in - Ctrl+Alt+Numpad+
Search keywords - Ctrl+F

Alternatively click Zoom button in the toolbar, left mouse button becomes zoom in, right - zoom out.

It looks like this:


Oh sorry... this one...
Improved B.E. Armor creation.jpg


One small correction on item combination. To get 1 Low Grade processor you need 3 Low Grade Motion Sensor and 3 Hardening Agent
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