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Wish List Renaming A.R.C Initiate to A.R.C Officer


Active Member

As the title says. The current name of A.R.C initiate is too "noob" for its awesomeness it doesn't give it justice. Plus there's already an "Initiate" armor on the TT.

Imperium Officers wear this armor. So re-naming it A.R.C Officer is not that far of a stretch and actually fits it much better.

I hope this is possible though.


Well-Known Member
nice idea, i would have spend my wish on a new armor with twice the defense, 3 times the tt and 1,5 times the durability though :)
I have no issue with the name being "too noob" but "initiate" associates more with some sort of a cult or sect.

I'd suggest "A.R.C. Greenhorn" as the armor is already green :)
I like the name, as long as they fix the low-tt bug on feet (~2 ped max tt right now). If I had to vote I would go for "A.R.C. MacGyver" because, as of now, it is the best all arround armor there is compared to its price.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
I like the name, as long as they fix the low-tt bug on feet (~2 ped max tt right now). If I had to vote I would go for "A.R.C. MacGyver" because, as of now, it is the best all arround armor there is compared to its price.

you have low TT on your foot guards? i have the male set and all parts have normal TT (can't remember exactly what TT but its between 20-40ped, combined value of all parts equals 200ped)

but yeah im unsure if i should trade in my viceroy now as this beats it in virtually every way, use the 400ped to get some better suited armor to sit between pixie adj and A.R.C Initiate
you have low TT on your foot guards? i have the male set and all parts have normal TT (can't remember exactly what TT but its between 20-40ped, combined value of all parts equals 200ped)

but yeah im unsure if i should trade in my viceroy now as this beats it in virtually every way, use the 400ped to get some better suited armor to sit between pixie adj and A.R.C Initiate

No I don't have a set yet, but I remember perfectly that Thanatos had one part with ~2 PED max TT. Maybe it's only a problem with the Female sets.

Anyway, I agree with you. This armor looks so perfect for low-mid level players. Perfect I tell you :=)

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
No I don't have a set yet, but I remember perfectly that Thanatos had one part with ~2 PED max TT. Maybe it's only a problem with the Female sets.

Anyway, I agree with you. This armor looks so perfect for low-mid level players. Perfect I tell you :=)
just looked, yeah the female foot guards are valued at 2.2ped but still cost 28 ped to buy. male parts are correct