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Request / suggestion thread


Hi, i will use this post, to let you know my feedback about what's missing on Cyrene. I will try to avoid the stuff the most often ask by other people (such as booths)..

12 Feb, 2016.

1) A real mining ground (AUD,Foma - like) (It would attract miners)
2) Pyrite in PVP area
3) Cyrene deeds (Maybe to find another concept then CLD/AUD, but in the same spirit - get people involve)
4) Somes new Bps (good ones, with cyrene specific loots - to attract crafters)
5) A new function in the game, it can be a lot of things, but it's about to attract people, many things are possible, i think. I will let people give ideas, but why not something like a cinema? With streaming video inside the game. Maybe it's silly, but my point it's just to do something special and new to the universe that could attract insider/outsiders (E.U) to Cyrene.

6) This isn't something that is up to you, but i think a graphic update, would be need in not to much time. Of course there's others priorities, but this is far from looking like a "virtual reality" anymore... I think it's an important point, for attract people & investors to the game.



Active Member
Main reason for writing: I'm against your point 6. Lots of players AND functionality was 'lost' in the 2009? switch. Sometimes it's the little things that provide enjoyment, like being able to sit down, or even more childish stuff like doing butt slides... We don't need better graphics in my opinion, we need a better game!

On your cinema idea, yes. Did you know, though, that streaming video ingame was perfectly possible also pre-2009. There was an 'artist' (cough) who you could watch on his promo video at a New Oxford gallery. It has long been a suggestion that appartments could be used as group meeting/screening rooms. I don't know how much technology/legalities got in the way there, and how much was simply that it was not on EU's radar to continue here!
All good ideas. Just going to say that it looks like your point 1) A real mining ground. Will happen in the near future in the 'Miner Isles' meta map unlock, where we'll get "Special Mining Zone with Additional Mining Missions.". I'm guessing it'll happen after the next map update, which occur every 3 months.