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Requesting help with the epic tanhok chain


I don't know anything about mod faps and their drop rate but I'd say definitely higher than that =)
If Amber can be looted i'd be settled even with pretty low chance to get it.
I mean, i'd feel pretty dumb after chasing a black cat in a dark room for months only to find out later there was no cat in this room. Obviously we'd want to avoid that situation.
Another situation i would want to avoid is if ppl can get Amber effortlessly right after one is used up. Too unfair, opens up too many possibilities to exploit the system. For whatever reason, this seems to be the case right now. Hopefully not the only way to get it but much easier way nevertheless. :/

I know Cyrene team can't change the fundamental systems, only use them. I can't possibly know how exactly it all works or what options are available either. Just hope maybe u guys could run through the logic of the Epics once again, give it a second thought so to say, and try to find the best possible solution using the tools u have available.

Afterall, we're all in the same boat here, the Cyrene boat. If Cyrene does well then players on Cyrene are happy too! ;)
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last drop confirmed that they have an hard Limit. the guy who used his one went to hunt the Mobs, and looted the amber back shortly after he used it. this really sux, and proves also what i did read lately in some other Forums about loot and hard limit of some stuff...

a Mission that requires to turn over more than 50 K ped and Kill more than 18000 Mobs (while some of them are really badass) should not be fucked off by something like that. really not...
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Well-Known Member
well im certinely upset about the final lazidol piece - still not in the lootpool or absoutely extremely rare, looks like only 1 zora hk will be made the rate this is going, going on 1500 lazidol killed now - for folks not aware thats 120,000PED spent on this mob so far , and the 90hr spawn limited is making it virtually impossible to loot.

Just remember folks I think you need a tanhok amber for every time you want to spawn the Wasp Queen even after the Epic is finished , At least with the power crystal it doesnt get consumed when summoning - Im still on Stage VII (stupid skull birds) spawn is so small and so annoying & Rhyncho Bird (the boss skull bird) does not count even though its the boss - I thought it may have given bonus points but it gives 0.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Just remember folks I think you need a tanhok amber for every time you want to spawn the Wasp Queen even after the Epic is finished

I've been working closely with MindArk to try and remedy and streamline many of the facets of the Stage One and Stage Two Epic.

Thanks for all the feedback! We're working hard today to make Cyrene better tomorrow =)



Skullbird spawn is very good now, respawn is much faster. Nice!

Noticed there's Epic Signal Light at the NPC who gives out rewards:

Item remaining: 1 (Go ahead with the missions folks, we have the reward for you!)
Item remaining: 0 (Epic is closed for now, go do something else!)
Item remaining: -1 (The guy who got the last reward has to bring it back and undo all missions)

Or maybe i understood it all wrong? :headscratch:

Btw, are the 10 mission tokens and the final Tanhok Tribesman Coin lootable in PvP?
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Active Member
I did the stage 2 of both epic missions and I didn't get any tanhok amber. I hope that something happens that people can actually get the tanhok amber because at this point it's pointless to continue with the tanhok mission and just sit on those tokens or wait until someone just visiting cyrene loots one of the amber and wants 1K ped for it.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Skullbird spawn is very good now, respawn is much faster. Nice!

Glad it's working better, strange that is changed since we haven't been able to add anything since the last Planet Partner VU...

Item remaining: 1 (Go ahead with the missions folks, we have the reward for you!)
Item remaining: 0 (Epic is closed for now, go do something else!)
Item remaining: -1 (The guy who got the last reward has to bring it back and undo all missions)

Or maybe i understood it all wrong? :headscratch:

We're working with MindArk to make sure that these items remain stocked, I will talk to them again.

Btw, are the 10 mission tokens and the final Tanhok Tribesman Coin lootable in PvP?

I wasn't able to loot them in Lootable PvP (I tested it at the Tamangon Volcano on the test server) but I will verify with MindArk that they are not able to be looted.



Made a support case, there's a whole new VU... and the Epic Trader is still empty. :confused:
Looks like doing the mission was the easy part...

Woohoo! The trader has been restocked, got my gun.
Whoever did it, thanx!

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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Fifth,

Made a support case, there's a whole new VU... and the Epic Trader is still empty. :confused:
Looks like doing the mission was the easy part...

Woohoo! The trader has been restocked, got my gun.
Whoever did it, thanx!


I'll be keeping an eye on the stocks of weapons.



Well-Known Member
well im certinely upset about the final lazidol piece - still not in the lootpool or absoutely extremely rare, looks like only 1 zora hk will be made the rate this is going, going on 1500 lazidol killed now - for folks not aware thats 120,000PED spent on this mob so far , and the 90hr spawn limited is making it virtually impossible to loot.

Just remember folks I think you need a tanhok amber for every time you want to spawn the Wasp Queen even after the Epic is finished , At least with the power crystal it doesnt get consumed when summoning - Im still on Stage VII (stupid skull birds) spawn is so small and so annoying & Rhyncho Bird (the boss skull bird) does not count even though its the boss - I thought it may have given bonus points but it gives 0.


Made this post 10 months ago, Im struggling to make sence that the 1550 stalker missions (epic stage 8) on the new continent are actually counting all the stalker kills or only 1 maturity its taking a hell of a long time to do , Im actually manually counting my kills now. God I hope this mission is working without the counter, I dont want to abandon it and restart it.

Still no final piece for lazidol and 6 hours respawn (compared to all the boss mobs on the other planets with similar dmg and hp is along time), no uber amor drop yet and tried every uber mob (killed close to 500 zeladoth omicron and other uber mobs, about 1800 lazidol kills now, im going broke again trying to track down these rare loots, (Lazidol costs 65-70ped to kill and average return is 18ped and only 4 globals this past 6 months thats almost 12k ped lost) even after my 3 month break, maybe they just arent in the loot pool, enough mobs have been killed for at least one piece of that so-called Cyrene equivalent shadow armor to drop. I am really convinced that final lazidol piece and other epic loots are not in the current lootpool, cmon 1 epic item drop, not 1 tanhok amber in over 1000 protocore (big ones) kills & 800 vlanwing (stalker) kills. Even if i get to the end of this epic quest im going to be disappointed i cant fight the Empis Queen.

Theres my situation , hopefully something is fixed by next VU - starting to lose faith


edit : ignore stalker mission not counting - it completed just then onto stage 9
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Agis,

First off, congrats on Epic Stage 8 completion!

Still no final piece for lazidol and 6 hours respawn (compared to all the boss mobs on the other planets with similar dmg and hp is along time), no uber amor drop yet and tried every uber mob (killed close to 500 zeladoth omicron and other uber mobs, about 1800 lazidol kills now, im going broke again trying to track down these rare loots, (Lazidol costs 65-70ped to kill and average return is 18ped and only 4 globals this past 6 months thats almost 12k ped lost) even after my 3 month break, maybe they just arent in the loot pool, enough mobs have been killed for at least one piece of that so-called Cyrene equivalent shadow armor to drop. I am really convinced that final lazidol piece and other epic loots are not in the current lootpool, cmon 1 epic item drop, not 1 tanhok amber in over 1000 protocore (big ones) kills & 800 vlanwing (stalker) kills. Even if i get to the end of this epic quest im going to be disappointed i cant fight the Empis Queen.

I will look at the current loot pool before the VU and see what could cause the issue, especially with the Tanhok Amber and Lazidol's final piece, not to mention some of the other loot issues that I'm already currently investigating (the slow respawn of weapons the trader for instance).

We're constantly working with MindArk to make sure that our items are dropping and dropping correctly and it's something that we never stop working on.

As far as fighting the Empis Queen there will improvements to both her and Lazidol in the Mini Patch which I think will make it easier for anyone who has completed the Epic Chain(s) to summon and fight. More on this in the upcoming VU Preview.

Theres my situation , hopefully something is fixed by next VU - starting to lose faith

I hope that I have inspired some faith from our side to help you push on and finish the final stages!


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey OZtwo,

The next VU is very important. You could restore mine if I see enough changes coming next VU.

I think that every VU is important. It is an opportunity for us to improve Cyrene, fix bugs, introduce new content, and create an over all better player experience for everyone.

I don't know how many changes would be enough to restore your faith but I do hope that you will enjoy the things we have coming up.



I'm not going to be a happy camper if I get through this mission chain and have still not looted an amber and there is no way to get it from any other mob. The challenge should be completing the killing of the mobs, not trying to find some obscure item.

Sooo, nearly a year later, I have finished the first 10 missions... where is the Tanhok Amber???