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Requision Officer Errors +


Active Member
Is there a bug with this? I tried to turn in Electronic Component Enhancers and when I do I get a bunch of errors. So I saw some Dire weed close by and decided to shoot some of those for a mission and when I kill and loot them I am getting the same error messages.

An unexpected error have occured in the processing of the following quest/mission:
Electronic Component Enhancements
Code: 0

An unexpected error have occured in the processing of the following quest/mission:
Rebuilding the Base
Code: 0

An unexpected error have occured in the processing of the following quest/mission:
Yellow Crystals?
Code: 0

An unexpected error have occured in the processing of the following quest/mission:
Blue Crystals for Wilco
Code: 0


New Member
I had similar error messages until I dropped the missions that the messages referred to.

They are all daily missions I believe, so there is nothing to lose by removing and reactivating them. Since doing this I've been error message free. :)


Active Member
Will log in later today and see if I get the same thing. But if I have to remove and redo them I wont be happy, and yes I will be losing time I spent on doing them to begin with. :(