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Hunting Rhyncho Bird in Skull Bird spawn(s)


Why put Rhyncho Birds in Skull Bird spawns? Rhyncho Bird is 4800 health and does massive damage, Skull Bird is super easy. This is very frustrating when trying to do a Skull Bird mission, and doesn't make sense otherwise.


Its a Boss mob, spawns every 50 skull birds killed. And yup, it's annoying as hell but there are ways around it :)


Active Member
As far as I remember they arent to aggresive. I didnt had any problems doing that daily mission.


It's the 4400 epic mission, which i like to use autoshoot/select next target for. It's alright I'll figure out a way around it.


Just don't lure them over to the revive hoping the turret will take care of them like I tried - no turret there. Had fun trying to revive kill it for about 15 minutes so that a noob wouldn't stay trapped there endlessly being killed by it
because of my mistake.
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They drown pretty easy. Spawn VTOL, shoot, jump in... but yeah it's kinda annoying.
Then again, the whole mission is kinda boring and those little interludes bring at least some variety.

One way to solve this would be setting the upper limit how many Rynchos can be spawned in that area (server). This way we could drag them away from the spawn and just leave there.
Currently there's no upper limit. I know this for certain 'cause i ended up with 10 times bigger Ryncho spawn (on the other side of the small valley) than the original skullbird spawn... Wanted to see how big i can get it, this was my little stupid game. :D


Sandal San Tolk
Hope a necro post will be okay, since this popped up from a search and feels most appropriate to add to rather than starting from scratch.

Problem is, Rhyncho is just an obstacle and has very little incentive to be a target itself. How about making just the Rhynchos shared loot? Few solo hunters can tackle them anyway, but the chance of looting something good from a high-hp mob should attract teams. Shared loot takes care of the hassles of making people get organized, but doesn't exclude soloists. Okay, you don't get your name posted on EL when you swirl, but that's the only disadvantage I can think of. No mission on their heads means no arguments over points either. In the shadow of the action, folks can hunt their Skull Birds.
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