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Crafting Ripper Hide Armor Plate (L) Blueprint (L)


Sandal San Tolk
Rather puzzled that I haven't found this question asked before -- apologies if too dumb to search properly and overlooked it.

I too have this blueprint from the Crystal Pede mission and a little distance to go to be able to craft it, but I'll definitely want to because this plate is awesome.

What I am wondering is, does this bp also drop from crafting the usual way, or is there even an elevated chance of getting a new one from clicking the same? Because otherwise there would be only one limited bp per avatar which can't be replenished. If this was the case I could not see myself banking on it.
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Sandal San Tolk
Oh, bummer. Thanks. I guess this means there isn't an official word about it anywhere?

Maybe this calls for a serious mission. 5k Flesh Rippers for an unlimited blueprint, what say? It would create continued demand also afterwards, when folks build business on the craft. The current limited bp doesn't fit there with the easy Crystal Pedes, anyway. Most people who do these aren't ready for advanced armour crafting and can only hold onto the bp until moss grows over it or sell it. Some cheap skill would be better there i.m.o. (Electrokinesis? Would go with the Pede's damage.)

Gisela Dawes

Active Member
Would be a lot better to change the rewards on the 5k stages first. It sure isnt enticing to kill 5k mobs to get Cyrene mission tokens.


Sandal San Tolk
Do they count in with something else? Thought Flesh Rippers were one of the few mobs without mission so far. So this is independent from anything else that would be desirable to change.
Oh, bummer. Thanks. I guess this means there isn't an official word about it anywhere?

Maybe this calls for a serious mission. 5k Flesh Rippers for an unlimited blueprint, what say? It would create continued demand also afterwards, when folks build business on the craft. The current limited bp doesn't fit there with the easy Crystal Pedes, anyway. Most people who do these aren't ready for advanced armour crafting and can only hold onto the bp until moss grows over it or sell it. Some cheap skill would be better there i.m.o. (Electrokinesis? Would go with the Pede's damage.)

I'm in 100% agreement with this. I've had the BP forever since I'm not a crafter. I simply did the mission because I'm a mission whore and have a burned desire to complete missions regardless of reward. Anything to bring more crafters to Cyrene would be great in my book.
Unless they decide to introduce puny/weak flesh rippers one day, availability of leather isn't going to be good.

On a related note, there are slots for some more plating blueprints (not released yet) in the books, and some of those sound interesting just by their names.


Sandal San Tolk
Unless they decide to introduce puny/weak flesh rippers one day, availability of leather isn't going to be good.
LOL, I think we're so "into it" that we don't notice anymore how that sounds, a "puny", i.e. harmless or even cute version of something which was designed to be really mean and tough. But it's not meant to be easy, why should it? I think 5k of a creature with medium difficulty are quite appropriate (or still deemed too little) for a reward which could even be used to make money afterwards. Continuous supply of the hides doesn't have to be too easy, either. Just so attractive that people want to do it. Arkadia has its Pulsar plates with specific creature parts in their bp's, and crafters call out for hunters to farm them when there are e.g. not enough Madana tails on the market. I've seen the slots for other Cyrene plate bp's, too. This could be an interesting pattern.
LOL, I think we're so "into it" that we don't notice anymore how that sounds, a "puny", i.e. harmless or even cute version of something which was designed to be really mean and tough. But it's not meant to be easy, why should it? I think 5k of a creature with medium difficulty are quite appropriate (or still deemed too little) for a reward which could even be used to make money afterwards. Continuous supply of the hides doesn't have to be too easy, either. Just so attractive that people want to do it. Arkadia has its Pulsar plates with specific creature parts in their bp's, and crafters call out for hunters to farm them when there are e.g. not enough Madana tails on the market. I've seen the slots for other Cyrene plate bp's, too. This could be an interesting pattern.
No, I had in mind exactly punies like Puny Mang Chang and Puny Nimet, which I, and n00bs like me, could hunt if I wanted. (144 hp / lvl 21 evader / lvl 30...34 shooting profs). To take on a flesh ripper (which hits about 100, rumored to be 50/25/25 imp/cut/stab) I'd probably need at least an adj fapper - and that'd be unlikely to pay off. (In contrast, to hunt L12 Madana Young, one needs to be about lvl 15....17 and have discipleship armor.)

Of course, there are lots of people who CAN hunt flesh rippers... just that they have lots of other options :)


Sandal San Tolk
...and n00bs like me, could hunt if I wanted. (144 hp / lvl 21 evader / lvl 30...34 shooting profs).
Okay, so still a noob after all these years :cold_shower: About same combat level here (35), but your hp and evader are even better than mine. That's what I'm doing the current missions for.

100 dmg divided across 3 standard types is actually not hard to protect against, especially if leaning a bit towards impact. If the available info is correct. I shall give these a try on my next stopover. Noob... pfff ;)

Of course, there are lots of people who CAN hunt flesh rippers... just that they have lots of other options :)
The closest competitor for this plate is Pulsar 7, which needs Magurg Male Pincers to craft. I never looted one from the small ones in the Aakas instances, and the only other spawn is on a taxed LA and they are Stalkers which hit for 180 hp (3*60). These are a different class even compared with our friends here and the current markup for the plates reflects this difficulty. Until Arkadia does something about it, there is opportunity here to fill a highly desirable gap. Bring the grinders back who came for the Stolen Imperium frenzy, I'd say. A once-in-a-lifetime limited bp doesn't achieve that.


Sandal San Tolk
Okay, now that I had a chance to try them out. Funny birds these are, needless to say they still sent me home this round :D They hit extremely fast and they regenerate extremely fast. The moment you need to use a fap on yourself, they get you. And in the time you need to travel back they are already fully restored, no chance to even find yours again in the crowd. Need to have sufficient armour (let through no more than 5-10 dmg) or a quick healer. And 50 dps is bare minimum to take them down, 100 would be closer to efficient. I don't know how it is for someone with Evader > L57 (their danger rating), until then you have to factor in more decay than usual.

But all this supports my previous suggestion. I think for an unlimited blueprint this is a worthy task. It can coexist with the occasional limited bp drop, there are already examples of that. In fact, it would increase the sale value of these limited bps, because crafters with an unlimited but not qr-maxed one would like to snap them up. With steady supply ensured, this can work out nicely and create ongoing activity.