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Ryvox mission concerns - final reward

Hello everyone,

I have a few concerns about the ryvox mission final reward, I seen the gun an is it only BLP? also the stats for it are a bit high lv 110-133 SIB I believe?

is this set is stone?
I dont see much motivation to continue with this mission, I have been talking with a few players about it an they feel the same since it is going to take years for any of us to reach that level also I personally, never will use a BLP gun :(

I as well as many others have waited for the stage for so long its a bit disappointing, also the pvp kills on the volcano cost 5.1ped each for the shots with a reward that cant even be used I cant see myself ever completing the mission especially if its planet bound to cyrene (not that I ever leave cyrene)

anyway is there anything that can be done? even the option to choose Laser or blp sword or knife? maybe be able to choose a level more towards your avatar? not sure what could be arranged, since the mission is quite daunting as it is.. anyway just my thoughts on it

I am alwways so excited for new missions but this one has been a big letdown not to offend anyone but my thoughts are for the interests of the planet,

the costs the start the mission are lime green tokens 500- 550k (its been a while so not sure the amount ) then you have the 5k kills which require tokens (if it wasnt done before the hub was fixed) thats 1250ped in .25 pec tokens then the pvp kills in the volcano which i havent added any costs up but you can see my point for a gun that most players cant use its a big investment.

thank you for your time I really appreciate all the hard work you all do I am only voicing my concerns

thank you

nick timegazer messner


Active Member
your motivation is to skill up,

the game cannot sit back because some players dont want to grow in skills, or avoid this because of mayhem events ( i.e. to be able to compete in lower category )

the gun is perfect, and i m happy to see the high skilled players get something for the effort, not only items for mid-low players to walk around happy for some low ball reward, u can use Zorra if u want something mid lvl.

my only question is if we can use it inside events if we access the instances ( mayhems ) from Cyrene as base location.

gj and ty for this beauty guys , cant wait to have one



Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
the game cannot sit back because some players dont want to grow in skills
I usually put more in every month than Justine lost during the booth event. Still I am getting nowhere. Either I am too dumb or too poor. Probably both. I just have to face that.


Active Member
I usually put more in every month than Justine lost during the booth event. Still I am getting nowhere. Either I am too dumb or too poor. Probably both. I just have to face that.

i remember when i started to play again and i switched from mining to hunting, back then i chose to work knife, wasnt to popular and the skills were let say rare, 2016 - 2017 , and i hunted here on cyrene like mad, using castorian 6 ELM knife on paneleons all day long untill i got my ArcSpark, i cant say was a good dpp, but i stud to that until i reached all my good lvls, i used all my good skill pills, to help u understand it better i went to gold rush and i collected around 3000+ hours of 100% skill pills ( some of them were from boxes too ) that put me to the right track.

now, if u ask me to rise an avatar from scratch to lvl 100 is even easier, i m sure are some players to support what i say. Btw Cyrene has one of the best mob to skill on from all EU ( flesh ripper, and the new gelly creatures ) and to not forget the pupugi cave.

it is possible, and on a mid term,
yes you are correct skilling is a motivation most the time and it is a nice gun, however after waiting years as it it for this mission as there was no indication was going to be for uber players only if that was the case i wouldnt have started the mission or done 5k pvp kills that wasnt the most exciting there has been no reward for the parts we spent ped on so far, you can say whatever you want thats your opinion
my opinion is alot of players on cyrene that have been waiting for this mission arent able to use this reward as Curd was saying he has 395k skill points an he told me he doesnt think he will be doing the mission hope thats ok to mention Curd also penelope said she will never use blp, its only for blp which unfortunately I also chose laser.
Also thats why I mentioned options towards the final rewards you can keep the high level gun as I do agree there isnt much geared towards the really high level players but as someone who has spent time doing the mission you should be able to understand our frustration


Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
hope thats ok to mention Curd
Of course it is.

The reward is in fact very nice, don't get me wrong. But I doubt I will ever be skilled enough to be able to use it. The requirements to finish this mission are hefty. So the question is if all the effort is worth it for an item collecting dust in the storage to all eternity. Yes, I could sell it then. The geological restriction does not exactly have a beneficial impact on the demand, though. So let's just say that at the moment I am in absolutely no hurry to finish Cor part 7.
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Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
There are two more things that bother me:

One is the fee of ~90 PED just to see the final requirements of the mission. While I can totally understand the motivation to induce the consumption of that item, blueprints in general would have been the better choice. If the exisiting blueprints aren't clicked often enough, then the items aren't right, it is too much of a hassle to gather the ingredients and/or the different skill levels of the player base are disbalanced.

The other is the built-in loophole to silently adjust the amount of the requirements. If for example the estimated virtual drop rate on the single-maturity mobs is currently 1:4, the ratio could easily be set to 1:5 on the fly without even touching the current mission and 25 percent more mobs would have to be slain. I haven't fully recovered from the upgradable armor mission mess, after which I had not logged in for full 6 months to express my non-appreciation. I am quite shocked how the droprates of some of the items have been nerfed in the meantime. It does not take much imagination to see this happen here as well. A point-based counter would have been possible to cover the different maturities.
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Fate Thanatos Themis
This mission chain is long and costly, also some of us are half way in it already.

Considering that, i would be happy, just if there were some options, as for Ambasador mission chain, where players have a bit of choice to pick a reward type fitting more their skills level and skills type.

Current reward is maxed at level 133 BLP, our other mission reward mentioned here Zorra needs level 48 Laser, can we get something just in the middle too?

Level 80-90 is still a very high tier for many players, level that they didnt reach for a decade playing this game.
Such gun would work as a motivation for them now to focus on skilling one category.
Reward at level 133 works the opposite way, too far.

Laser/Blp? Melee/ranged? etc/and so on. There is too many options to make us all happy. Devs got to pick something, cuz i doubt they can provide all options.

I would be happy with Gauss Rifle (SIB 80-90 maxed) ... only me i bet :headscratch: hehe
Ofc i would love current reward to stay as an option for those who are much higher with skills.



Cyrene Crusader
L130 is only available for people with no job, not much social life and a big PED card. Even with 100% pills and Loot 2.0 high tier gun (or T10 Loot 1.0 gun), it will require a tremendous amount of time, as well as a LOT of peds (probably 50-100k just for the gun, then 50k for shooting, 50k for armor, storing items etc) to be able to skill non-stop to L130. Doable for a few individuals, who probably see EU as an income source, not a game. If the gun is good enough, it can be sold to these individuals - problem solved. But is it good enough for anyone at L130+ to buy it? Doubtfully, since they have 2.0 gun already or other decent setup like MM, IMK2 etc.

A medium/high level gauss/plasma would be more fitting, or MF chip. And keep the level sub 100..


Well-Known Member
Nothing is perfect, devs can't make happy all players.

From my view, the reward is correct in regards of the mission chain to do.
The only one thing i disagree is the 20 lvl learning period. This is too much.
Better to put a level 120 weapon + 10 lvl learning period max or a level 110 + 10 lvl learning period max.
With that efficiency, shoould be 5 lvl learning period. But it's juts me ;)
I agree with several points here, I do think... since the mission chain will be about 25000 lava golems 100k-125k fenris elite guards 100k-125k dusters 100-125k tide claws its about 400k kills an 2500 pvp kills on the volcano this is also the last mission stage some players have waited a long time and are more then commited up to this point, im not saying change the reward but as the tanhok mission had options I feel this one should aswell :) I really love the toughness of the mission but I would also enjoy being able to use the reward one day at least


Active Member
I have been playing since 2004. I treat this game as if it was subscription based and deposit 35-100 euros every month.
I have 366k skills and am allround level 65-78 in most hunting professions (knife/sword/pistol/rifle/clubs/powerfist)
level 133 is not something I will achieve while I am alive, or I should deposit 10x as much as I do now, which I don't think is realistic. I did have a period where I played more hardcore due to having a lot of CLDs and rotating the income. But I have taken those peds out of the game.
But to each his own. Surely there are players who deposit a lot more and player who claim to play for free and for which such level 133 is quite achievable. TBH I'd rather have a life.
Exactly spawn , if they stated from the beginning that the mission an reward was UBER I wouldn’t have taken part but there was no indication with the first mob being lv 5 turrelion lurkers in the hub .. the 5000hub kills was very time consuming an there is no loot the ammo still adds up aswell as the hub tokens
Anyway my point is most people I talked too had no idea the mission was for ubers only or at least the reward after years of wondering an most never thinking a reward was coming (let’s be honest) most weren’t holding their breath…
I think an easy solution is to have a few options not saying everything is possible but at the cost of this mission it seems you could probly buy a nice mayhem gun with a lot higher efficiency


Well-Known Member
The discussion is focused on the weapon, but anyone noticed that final mission ?
After the coR part 7, there is a mission called final.
In the official picture on this thread : https://www.cyreneforum.com/threads/planet-cyrene-upcoming-changes-august-2021.8473/ we can see the avatar with the weapon and the coat but in red.

The question is : is there another reward ? Do this reward is the red coat and/or an upgrade of the coat of proving ground ?
If yes, is just a red coat ? or a coat with buff like life steal or other ?

Do the coat if this is a reward will be bound to the planet or to the avatar or not bound ?

Or i'm totally wrong, i dream too much and there is nothing more than the weapon as reward :D


Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
Yes, you are right, there is also a mission called "Your Just Rewards - CoR Finale". Rewards ... plural. Probably just some dialogue. And yes, we have noticed the red coat too in the screenshot. Exciting, isn't it? There is only one foolproof way to find out... :D :shoot:


Active Member
a planet bound weapon is the end result? This is s a virtual universe. Surely you can talk Mindark in to letting it leave orbit.


Well-Known Member
Would be great if we can can use the weapon in mayhem if we start the instance from Planet Cyrene. But i doubt.