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Ryvox mission concerns - final reward


Well-Known Member
Can we have an official statement about the use in mayhem ?
If not usuable in mayhem atm, do is possible to consider to add this option on the weapon ?

Please, answer :)

Thank you


Well-Known Member
After calculation with the actual drop rate, we have to cycle around 5 millions ped (500 000$ USD) on this mission.
For a 63% efficiency weapon, bound to the planet with no clue about to use it in mayhem (universe wide event).

When high end weapon got 10lvl learning period for 80+ efficiency, this weapon need 23 lvl learning period...


Active Member
After calculation with the actual drop rate, we have to cycle around 5 millions ped (500 000$ USD) on this mission.
For a 63% efficiency weapon, bound to the planet with no clue about to use it in mayhem (universe wide event).

When high end weapon got 10lvl learning period for 80+ efficiency, this weapon need 23 lvl learning period...

can u synthesize the math behind the calculation ( not that i dont know math :p but ) for the bigger picture


Active Member
5000 player kills will be a challenge.. I don't think there are 5000 unique avatars on Cyrene.


Well-Known Member
5000 player kills will be a challenge.. I don't think there are 5000 unique avatars on Cyrene.

You can kill 5 000 time the same player. This is not kill 5 000 different players. You can do this part on hub in the proving ground, that will cost you alot less ped.


Active Member
You can kill 5 000 time the same player. This is not kill 5 000 different players. You can do this part on hub in the proving ground, that will cost you alot less ped.
I can just see it now. Someone will volunteer to get killed in exchange for peds or some other reward.


Active Member
The goal of the mission is probably to promote pvp in the hub. When are devs going to realise that the game they have is:
- not a pvp game, (not being able to dodge, duck hide,etc. like cs go)
- rce is not compatible with pvp
- only 3% of the entire entropia player population likes pvp, because it only costs ped.

killing the same player 5000 times does not help promote pvp.


Well-Known Member
PVP part is not the real problem from my views.
Doing this 5k pvp kill in hub wil be cheap.

But what hurt me is the pvp kill in Volcano. This is not 1 kill = 1 point. That should be 1 kill = 1 point !
This is a PVP lootable ! This is still so stressfull to go there and you force players to go there more than they want to.

Soon, i'll do a real test and will check the Infected Lungs drop rate !

Same for the Fenris. Need to kill 250 000 Fenris ! This is a shame for this weapon with not a great efficiency. That will cost less ped and less pain to buy a pretty same weapon that you can use everywhere on the game.

Duster part and Tide claw part are ok, don't touch them.

I'll try later the Red golem.

Please devs, consider what is fair for you and what is fair for players. Cycling 5 millions PED for this weapon is a shame. Please adjust drop rate.


Well-Known Member
Oh i forgot.
I would spend 5 millions ped on this mission, if at the end i can have a ped maker weapon.
I would never spend 5 millions ped just for a weapon that will only allow me to loose ped more fast.

I use a 76.9% eff weapon actually, i bought it for 27k ped.


Well-Known Member
Ok did the test myself on the pvp lootable.
I apologize, this is 100% drop rate. 1 kill = 1 Infected lungs. Just be carefull, be sure to be inside the lootable area (red icons). If you are in lootable area (Orange icons) that will not work.

Well this step is ok, Duster and Tide claws, ok too

Fenris Soulchips drop rate must be adjusted.

When i tested myself Red golem, i'll come to share what i find.


Sandal San Tolk
Oh i forgot.
I would spend 5 millions ped on this mission, if at the end i can have a ped maker weapon.
I would never spend 5 millions ped just for a weapon that will only allow me to loose ped more fast.

I use a 76.9% eff weapon actually, i bought it for 27k ped.
Well, at least you're not spending it outright. You're spending whatever you can't recover from cycling.

I'm getting myself restarted very slowly and actually looking forward to the experiment of setting foot on such a mission, with no way of finishing it within the current or foreseeable budget. Progress will have to come out of returns, sales and modest deposits over time. I like such goals you can pursue on your own time and money, without having to compete with others' wallets for a limited number of items (if there aren't limits the balancing managers won't tell us about). Hope we're not getting the rug pulled from under our feet again.

Justine out of 600 golems I got 134 golem heart shards,
so its around 20 -25k golems I assume
also that is my main concern the amount of ped cycled for a weapon that really isnt overly great compared to guns with higher eff

I agree with you completely in your recent post that was the point I was trying to get across you said it much better then I ever could have lol


Cyrene Crusader
I am not sure who this mission is aimed at. I am of course greatful that Kris and his team are trying to implement yet another awesp,e epic chain, but I assume the missions are here to attract players to Cyrene?

Since the gun (prize) is Cyrene bound, it's not interesting for most players. We have a few players on Cyrene in position to reach L130. These individuals have a better gun already (try skilling to L130 with a 62 eff gun in Loot 2.0...). And the mobs needed to be killed aren't dropping good MU stuff (except Tide Claw perhaps) or giving great skill gains (like ripper).

If the gun was usable on all planets, maybe it'd attract some big rollers, for its value.

If the gun was plasma/gauss and had sub L100 maxed, it'd be attractive to a wider range of players. It'd be the first end-game gun for plasma/gauss. I think this would be the most successful route.

If it's usable in instances, entered from Cyrene, it CAN be useful in cat 10, max tier. but will it beat the weapons used in cat 10 top 10 list? Terminator etc?

Right now, I don't see who would bother trying to get this gun. We need a mission that attracts business to the planet, not sets the bar too high.