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Official Cyrene Event Santa Lurker Event Spawn

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Biller,

And... there were no gifts... :angry:

That's not to say there WON'T be any, it's something we're working on with MA to get everything right on the server.

As soon as I have more info I'll post it up.



Active Member
Tell MA that people feel like they let them down AGAIN!! That they need to quit pampering Caly and start taking care of their planet partners as well and quit treating them like the red headed stepchild bastard children.



Yeah, I did it. So what?
Tell MA that people feel like they let them down AGAIN!! That they need to quit pampering Caly and start taking care of their planet partners as well and quit treating them like the red headed stepchild bastard children.


HEY!!!!! ,, I don't resemble that remark... Just say'in :p

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Your glad you got no gift? To be honest I am a little let down too a free
consumable is always nice. But it's not the a big deal I agree with you there