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Scheduled warp service for USA timezone

Granny Rowan

New Member
7 day service that visits Cyrene
by request

Kronan Interplanetary Spaceship Services

Scheduled Warp Service
MS Kronan departs Arkadia daily at 00:30 EU
Price 10ped for any or all stops on the schedule
Subscription prices also available

VIP Warps
VIP warp service on
Pathfinder III
Pathfinder IX
Pathfinder XIV

Single warp 25ped each additional warps 20 ped each
Please note if ship is not at your planet of departure it may require 2 Warps
For further information see our website

Repair Skilling
Free access to repair skilling on MS Kronan
At Arkadia 7 days a week.
Come join the fun, meet our Parrot & check out our in-flight cuisine.
To join the guestlist PM Granny Rowan Render in-game


Granny Rowan Render (Kronan and Pathfinder III)
Chorbal Bal Balikian (Pathfinder III)
Lunar Mitsuwa Blaze (Pathfinder XIV)
KingNobody Noway Nohow (Pathfinder XVIII)
Cypherman Cypherman Cypherman (Pathfinder XVIII)
Kenji Ganzo Hiroshi (Pathfinder IX)

or come to our webchat or mumble at

KISS v 2.jpg
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Granny Rowan

New Member
Please note that as this service is shortly after midnight EU time that for players in USA and similar time zones that your Sunday night will be Monday in the schedule. o_O

:confused:Just remember we post our times as EU.. you'll soon get the hang of it

Granny Rowan

New Member
Happy New Year to all on Cyrene. Thank you to our customers in 2014 who we look forward to seeing again throughout the New Year