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Wish List Scout Bot "Companion"


Active Member
So, slightly 'out there' wishlist item... but even though the Scout Bots are, well... robots. They just seem to have this adorable factor to them. XD

And well, that leads me to wanting one to follow me around, even if it does absolutely nothing.

However! That's not to say it would be -very- cool to have scout robots as a craftable that are essentially a weapon turret that follows you around. Feed it weapon cells like any weapon, and be able to repair it with the Vehicle-RK. Then issue it commands from the pet system that once existed.

Very wishful, but I just wanted to get it out there, even though I'm massacring the lil things, I still love em! :D

Sometimes, my brain just doesn't shut up, so here's some more ideas!

Multi-platform scout bots. Healing, Mining, Combat, Refiner... oh yea. Have it so it has different attachment slots that allow for the various tools to be equipped. Okay I'll stop now, haha.