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Shops and Booths?


Fate Thanatos Themis
i guess my idea was a bit more realistic :p vote for it, make it happen ;)

Great idea would be to add small Booth deeds to loot pool, hunting/mining, same as calypso land deeds are. This would benefit those who actually are active here.
And one such thing is just like walkin into a surpermaket and something called cross-merchandising. You know what you're after, but oooh lookit this nifty thing right next to what I'm wanting... spose I could pick that up too. It's for impulse buys. If you have your shop or booth in a popular spot, people can see what you have, see your prices, check the prices, and possibly buy, even if they weren't actively looking for that particular thing. Why? Because it could be a good deal, or just not at the front of their mind at the time.
I'd pay a (smaller) Bucket-o'-PED for just a chunk of land in a "Flea Market" environment!Just give me a little area of dirt to call my own, just big enough for a table, and get to rotate as much or as little stock as that area will allow.
Better for long-term commerce, if the little guy has a leg-up.
The more (even a little at a time) that there is for sale, the more money people need, the more frequent the deposits, from the "impulse-shopper"!
(Even better: "Rented Space"!)


New Member
As in several games ( twelve-sky 1 and 2 as example ), make it possible for the player to start temporary stores, giving them the option to sell a small amount of items ( 5 -10 -15 etc.. ). This can be done with paying tax or decay of the (L) booth.

This gives a unique opportunity to reinvent the entire idea of shops/malls, altho it might be only usable on Cyrene.

eq. a lvl 1 booth requires 5 types of loots to be crafted, 1 crafted( wich exists of 1 hunted and 1 mined ), 2 hunted and 2 mined. resulting in a lvl 1 booth with max 15 ped TT. Decay on the booth would be 35 pec per time used/item/hour. a lvl 1 booth will be max usable for 5 items and force the player to stay near ( eq 5 meter range ).

a lvl 2 booth requires 5 types of loots to be crafted, 1 crafted( wich exists of 1 hunted and 1 mined ), 2 hunted and 2 mined. resulting in a lvl 2 booth with max 25 ped TT. Decay on the booth would be 25 pec per time used/item/hour. a lvl 2 booth will be max usable for 10 items and force the player to stay near ( eq 5 meter range ).

a lvl 3 booth requires 5 types of loots to be crafted, 1 crafted( wich exists of 1 hunted and 1 mined ), 2 hunted and 2 mined. resulting in a lvl 3 booth with max 100 ped TT. Decay on the booth would be 15 pec per time used/item/hour. a lvl 3 booth will be max usable for 20 items and can be spawned for 24 hours while the player itself goes out hunting. ( if player goes offline the booth will return to inventory ).

Decay and TT values are just taken as example.


I'd like a booth or shop, and a home :)

I have a couple estates and it would be great if every estate had some small area to sell things. It's just so expensive to get a shop up and running. I understand the need for barrier to entry from a business perspective but seems a little heavy on cost without much return.

For example, if I owned a condo, then have a small table at the entrance where I could sell up to 10 items without having to buy a shopkeeper ~2000ped. Another example, if owning a larger estate, like a cabin or detached home, then have a booth on the grounds. Basically, any estate owner has some sort of table or booth to sell things.

Another idea is to have a central marketing terminal (placed beside each Auction Terminal) so each estate owner has a virtual store. Sort of like a mix of auction terminal and advertising screen except that every estate owner has access to 10 slots that can be "permanently placed until sold" and can customize their own screen. Sort of like a humans' RL having a website and folks can order from that website. This would give an even field of exposure and allow people to specialize in sales of items and crafts.

For example, if I like crafting clothes, I could create a virtual store featuring the current line of clothes, have a unique screen style with contact information of how I can be found in world for something special or custom. The visitor can purchase a basic pattern shirt from my virtual store. Additionally, even though there are only 10 slots, allow each slot to be stacked 10 deep with the same item. So I could stack 10 basic pattern shirts in 1 slot and if a person made a purchase then the next item in the stack would take it's place.

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
I'd like a booth or shop, and a home :)

I have a couple estates and it would be great if every estate had some small area to sell things. It's just so expensive to get a shop up and running. I understand the need for barrier to entry from a business perspective but seems a little heavy on cost without much return.

For example, if I owned a condo, then have a small table at the entrance where I could sell up to 10 items without having to buy a shopkeeper ~2000ped. Another example, if owning a larger estate, like a cabin or detached home, then have a booth on the grounds. Basically, any estate owner has some sort of table or booth to sell things.

Another idea is to have a central marketing terminal (placed beside each Auction Terminal) so each estate owner has a virtual store. Sort of like a mix of auction terminal and advertising screen except that every estate owner has access to 10 slots that can be "permanently placed until sold" and can customize their own screen. Sort of like a humans' RL having a website and folks can order from that website. This would give an even field of exposure and allow people to specialize in sales of items and crafts.

For example, if I like crafting clothes, I could create a virtual store featuring the current line of clothes, have a unique screen style with contact information of how I can be found in world for something special or custom. The visitor can purchase a basic pattern shirt from my virtual store. Additionally, even though there are only 10 slots, allow each slot to be stacked 10 deep with the same item. So I could stack 10 basic pattern shirts in 1 slot and if a person made a purchase then the next item in the stack would take it's place.

Even if they used your idea, Then regular cyrene 'estates' will be at a higher price then a regular estate. a good way to run a shop is to actually do a coop, im in 2 coops myself one on Rocktropia and one on Calypso we always have alot of stock, hot items, and cheaper in the long run. only downside is one person holds deed.


Well-Known Member
being a new player i would not be able to make use of a 100+ item shop, but if there were small 10 item booths or tables that would be excellent. some thing like the crystal palace or foma not sure with one i am think of, also caly has a small area by a shinkba spawn in the north that would be a nice base idea.
100 item points disappears in no time when you are stocking a shop...sign here, table there, few BPs, few crafting mats, darn - full!


Well-Known Member
100 item points disappears in no time when you are stocking a shop...sign here, table there, few BPs, few crafting mats, darn - full!

do stacks of materials count as one item or the amount in the stack, i was under the ass*sumption that it only counted as one item point.

i could see how the spots would be used fast either way for a higher lvl player. but for a noob like me it takes days of work to just some up with one stack of items that is not tt food. so a flea market stall, street vendor blanket or cart with only a small amount of item points would be helpful.

but would i or any other similar lvl player be able to stock even a small stall or afford the taxes associated with it.

so i guess it comes down to that it would be nice to have access to small shops in theory, but inpratice i dont know.

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
do stacks of materials count as one item or the amount in the stack, i was under the ass*sumption that it only counted as one item point.

i could see how the spots would be used fast either way for a higher lvl player. but for a noob like me it takes days of work to just some up with one stack of items that is not tt food. so a flea market stall, street vendor blanket or cart with only a small amount of item points would be helpful.

but would i or any other similar lvl player be able to stock even a small stall or afford the taxes associated with it.

so i guess it comes down to that it would be nice to have access to small shops in theory, but inpratice i dont know.

stacked items count as one, and sure being a new player would like a small booth. But start like everyone else did, Direct trade or Auctioneer


Well-Known Member
stacked items count as one, and sure being a new player would like a small booth. But start like everyone else did, Direct trade or Auctioneer

seems i did something to incur some displeasure sorry about that.

if my ramblings came across as complaining i am sorry for that i was just giving my thoughts.

i have noticed that there is not much going on here on the forum, am i breaking some sort of eu custom by posting and starting new threads as a new player? if so i am sorry.

edit: one more time i am sorry :) didnt know if i had typed it enough :)

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
seems i did something to incur some displeasure sorry about that.

if my ramblings came across as complaining i am sorry for that i was just giving my thoughts.

i have noticed that there is not much going on here on the forum, am i breaking some sort of eu custom by posting and starting new threads as a new player? if so i am sorry.

edit: one more time i am sorry :) didnt know if i had typed it enough :)

You misunderstood my statement, you did nothing wrong for displeasure. Sorry you thought that if you like we can hunt later on tomorrow if you like. xD

The Chief
Once you have a shop, it costs nothing to place items, so almost anything can be placed - even "tt food". Someone somewhere will want it, especially if the auction is slow like on Cyrene. Standing around trading is cheaper, but not often much fun.


Fate Thanatos Themis
i hope that team will find a way to avoid resellers taking over introduced shops/boots. sure they can pay more probably, but it will kill local market which struggles anyway.



Active Member
What annoys me most is those people that buy the shops and never use them. And as mentioned, the ones that try to resell them at a huge price. So thus they sit, empty, doing nobody any good.


Fate Thanatos Themis
Alright i got an idea, how to deal shops/booths/apartments to make them a little bit easier to get for ppl who already play on Cyrene, daily.

Sell at least some of them for Imperium/Zyn Tokens via forum :D

ofc resellers can try to get tokens from market, but well, those who do dailys and mob missions here, got to sell them. :monkey_slap:

Comments plz!