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Shops or Apartments


Active Member
Whoud be nice we get update on this, what are current plans for shops and apartments,
can cyrene team sell them via auction,
can you make event so people win shops ingame,
can you make same as rocktropia did with shops (you need get bananas that mobs drop) or buy it from other players
Does Cyrene team have to pay mindark for boots first and then make them avalible for public

Just those small booth for start whoud help planet big time.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I can try to answer these questions as I can without overstepping, but I'm still pushing my agenda that I put forth in this post: >>LINK<<, but the final decision isn't up to me to decide.

Whoud be nice we get update on this, what are current plans for shops and apartments,
can cyrene team sell them via auction,
can you make event so people win shops ingame,
can you make same as rocktropia did with shops (you need get bananas that mobs drop) or buy it from other players
Does Cyrene team have to pay mindark for boots first and then make them avalible for public

Just those small booth for start whoud help planet big time.


The plans for shops: Right now the shops are in a bit of a limbo status, we're re-integrating them into the new starting area on Planet Cyrene, which comes with an update to the 0x101 Supply Depot.
Can we sell them via auction: Yes, we can, however I personally feel that it's more important they get into the hands of players who will utilize them as a service for players and not as just an owned asset. That being said I'm not in charge in relation to how shops will be distributed in the future.
Can we make an event so players can win them: Same as above
Can we make a system similar to RT and their banana shop: Same as above
Do we have to pay MA for the booths: AFAIK, No, we don't have to pay MA to have booths/shops/etc

I know that a lot of players have been asking about booths/shops/apartments and even land areas for sometime now, however, I don't think that these are the silver bullet to solve some of these Cyrene economy issues.

Yes please. someone owning a shop or two on cyrene selling L weapons would be fantastic rather than buying them from caly and paying the transport fee

Which is why when shops are available, it's important for them to go to the right players.

However, maybe there's something that we can do to help supply players with L weapons until such a time, or even in tandem, going to see what options we have.

This is something I always wanted to get out, for now I'll talk it over with the higher ups and see if we can figure out a plan.

Just to put it out here, Lilmc has really been the voice of the players in a lot of the discussions about Cyrene and I wanted to publicly thank him here.

