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Travelling through time...
I think it would be nice to see how other player avatars look like. Feel free to post more pictures of what clothing setups you are using or were using at some point.

I will post my latest one. I found out that CDF Scout armor parts really fit together with Turrelion Settler clothing.



Active Member
So I made a custom resolution on my monitor following a guide i found online. I managed to increase the resolution to 2940x1653 from 1920x1080 (only works in 3D applications).

It basically downsamples the image to remove all jaggies and makes image look crisper (need a beastly graphics card for it though).

This is how it looks like :).

Click to view full picture.


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New Member
I am a n00b still so I rock a Chiton or the yellow jumper. lol.
I hope one day property / housing will be available to own in the City of Janus...
This place has the most amazing views in the universe.


  • Holla at me.JPG
    Holla at me.JPG
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