Kwacka Deukalion Doodle
New Member
I'm not exactly sure how globals work, but it seems to be relative to health or level for instance I got a 5 and a 6 ped global on a Puny Crystal Pede with 30 hp twice. Now I just got a 18 ped loot from a Duster Scapegoat and it wasn't a global even though it was just animal muscle oil and blp ammo I've gotten similiar on other mobs and still being counted as a global. It also occured in the middle of the week with a 12 ped loot of about the same stuff - they doesn't loot much else. Duster Scapegoat has the same health as Weak Paneleons which I've had a few globals on, smallest one being 11 and highest 22.
Since I've read the update about "silent globals" in Cyrene November 12th Mini Patch Notes and that they've been fixed, I wondered if this is part of that issue or perhaps it's not all relative to anything I think it is.
My 17.71 PED loot from a Duster Scapegoat
Since I've read the update about "silent globals" in Cyrene November 12th Mini Patch Notes and that they've been fixed, I wondered if this is part of that issue or perhaps it's not all relative to anything I think it is.
My 17.71 PED loot from a Duster Scapegoat