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Wish List small solution to bring more ppl to Cyrene ;)


Fate Thanatos Themis
I guess it can work. Many ppl check tracker to see what mob drops and how often. Here on Cyrene there are few players around, and even less with tracker turned on.

If u make tracker record globals, it will bring ppl here, cus atm this planet looks dead on tracker.

I guess u got plenty PCs in ur office, just run on 2-3 of them Entropia Client with Tracker gathering info non stop. I got many globals which didnt go to tracker site, maybe they need more then one client running to confirm a global.



Fate Thanatos Themis
didnt help much tho, i globbed on Dire Weeds just sec ago, and nothing on tracker yet. i guess they got to add those mobs to tracker register also. :(


Things that make you go Hmm!
from what I read in past I think you need a certain amount of people running it same time for it to kick in and start tracking...


A pixel guy
It tracks all the time, but Starfinder said there need to be at least 3 sources for a global to be confirmed and make it to the database. But I never saw that much on Cyrene at the same time (currently 0), too few people are too spread across the timezones :(

Nor Alien

Whisker Fish
It tracks all the time, but Starfinder said there need to be at least 3 sources for a global to be confirmed and make it to the database. But I never saw that much on Cyrene at the same time (currently 0), too few people are too spread across the timezones :(
Yep and atm I am not able to log on.. :cry_2:
PRINT SCREEN 2012-08-14 12-45-7.jpg
Here is globals from me and my wife yesterday.. dire weed... Mine

GraCie mAy SaDiEsDaY,

View attachment 1266

Hope this helps :)


A pixel guy
Grats, EyEs!
But the tracker, as expected, missed it... oh, wait... it's not even aware of this mob :confused:
Dire weed does well.. They do global, I personally have to do about 5 rounds at 40ped/round before I get a global.. that takes me a while I am using 10 lacodian swords... but yea Cyrene dire weeds are great for skillin dodge and getting globals :))