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Soft launch? LOL


New Member
Err, Cyrene developers do you expect us to have a positive reaction to this release?

1) The only story driven mission available we cannot do it because it asks you to buy a weapon from TT. And TT doesn't sell it..

2)Server crashed every 5 minutes for like 10 times?

3)Outposts flooded with mobs making client crash or anyway people stuck.

4)Mostly able to mine ONLY lysterium and oil.. YAY

5)Half of loot from mobs is animal oil residue. Seriously? Even from robots.. And no planet specific loot.

6)Few blueprints available and we cannot craft any of those?..

Some people hoped Cyrene would have been different from the other planet partners..

Soft launch?


New Member
Also the hub place, your implant gets unequiped so when you are done with pvp u need to insert it again paying the usual fee. I mean.. so many players use at least the tp chip. One has to pay 4 peds each time he wants to go to the hub? More disappointment.

EDIT: After leaving the Hub your implant actually is not visible in the inventory anymore. So u need to relog and you will find it again and equipped. I was wrong about that.


-= nExt Cons =-
Albeit very short I liked my stay. I can only confirm 1 and 5, which are the reason I just went back to caly. Hope you get this sorted out soon, because the looks are awesome and it's a real pity there was nothing interesting to keep me on Cyrene :)


New Member
Tbh I am at the point now where I just find this amusing. Well off to Sanktuario in 2 weeks I guess. Nothing to see here atm so time to wait for the hard launch.


For what it was: A SOFT launch as in not the full deal--Cyrene is not a failure. Yes there are repeated ctd's--which did hit me for some reason after a few hours of un-interrupted play. And I was one of those unfortunates that got stuck at inner toolaroo (or whatever).

I went to Cyrene with eyes wide open not expecting to get that uber-hof on anything--didn't even try. Hell, I aint got an uber-hof in five years of playing on any planet so of course I did not go zooming in and start cycling ped. I expected things to not work right right off the bat--This is MA we are talking about here. Cyrene is a new born infant right now and there's no reason to expect it to not to mess it's diapers.

I went to see a new place and roam around seeing new stuff and I like what I've seen so far. I will be staying to explore some more.


New Member
A soft launch is not the full deal but here we are talking about no content at all. This is years of work and besides the nice landscape we had nothing to do on that planet besides what, reading a info bot advice explaning that to find ores we need an ore finder and to find en mat we need an en mat finder? Is a joke, those things where changed years ago from the game mechanics and when you listen to Ed saying he launches it soft also so that they can be sure there are no bugs etc.. I mean ROFL. Like they worked to tweak things and all. Is not like that. Just face it. If u came to Cyrene to check the mobs animations or have a nice view from the top of a montain well congratz u got what you wanted .. but hunters, miners and crafter didn't find anything but bs.


Active Member
Err, Cyrene developers do you expect us to have a positive reaction to this release?

1) The only story driven mission available we cannot do it because it asks you to buy a weapon from TT. And TT doesn't sell it..

2)Server crashed every 5 minutes for like 10 times?

3)Outposts flooded with mobs making client crash or anyway people stuck.

4)Mostly able to mine ONLY lysterium and oil.. YAY

5)Half of loot from mobs is animal oil residue. Seriously? Even from robots.. And no planet specific loot.

6)Few blueprints available and we cannot craft any of those?..

Some people hoped Cyrene would have been different from the other planet partners..

Soft launch?

Come on people. If they were to have released it and not told us over and over that this was going to be a soft launch, I too would have been all over them. But over and over again today as I was asked this or that question, I had to remind people that this was only the soft launch and many items wouldn't be in place and the mobs were set to mostly all puny lvls.


1) They told us there wouldn't be any missions. I didn't expect to find them, and was sorry that they did miss some of the ones that most likely they here meaning to roll them back for the soft launch.

2) The only area I had problems with the game crashing, I'll call server 3, where they as well had the mobs problems at the revival. All in all that server just didn't seem right and was very laggy. But all other areas I had no problems with in high graphics mode. As I was exploring most of Cyrene today I was set back by how well they designed it and their knowledge of cry2. For the amount of detail put in areas with no lag..wow!! GREAT JOB!

3)A big bug that they did over look. Other than that 'little' mob problem ;) it did seem that server 3 was having problems all around. I hope they can fix this soon.

4 to 6) this was a soft launch and most all wasn't to be added but just there for us to look at. Why if you noted most mobs were easy to kill in that they didn't hit harder than 1.0 to 5.0 hit damage.

Edit: But I will add that since this was a soft launch that it should have only been released to us in game to try out. They should not be marketing or allowing new users to sign up for the game since it is a 'ßeta' test. preview of what's to come. This I voiced a long while back here when I first joined.


Err, Cyrene developers do you expect us to have a positive reaction to this release?

1) The only story driven mission available we cannot do it because it asks you to buy a weapon from TT. And TT doesn't sell it..

2)Server crashed every 5 minutes for like 10 times?

3)Outposts flooded with mobs making client crash or anyway people stuck.

4)Mostly able to mine ONLY lysterium and oil.. YAY

5)Half of loot from mobs is animal oil residue. Seriously? Even from robots.. And no planet specific loot.

6)Few blueprints available and we cannot craft any of those?..

Some people hoped Cyrene would have been different from the other planet partners..

Soft launch?

Huh? I've done 9 missions so far and still working on more. No crashes yet, there is an outpost problem though. Mined 4 new mats. Yes lots of animal oil residue, but was getting robot parts from robots. Yeah, blueprints would be nice.


New Member
Im sorry, we are customer not beta tester...

wanna hire us as beta tester, give all the new stuff for free and only equipable on cyrene.

whats the point to waste peds on a beta planet ?

We are customer dont forget it.


Kick Ass Elf
Err, Cyrene developers do you expect us to have a positive reaction to this release?

1) The only story driven mission available we cannot do it because it asks you to buy a weapon from TT. And TT doesn't sell it..

Would love to know how this sort of mistake happens... Really would like to see a dev blog post on the testing procedure that goes on and how things change between final test version and the released version so maybe we could get some insight as to why such things go wrong....


New Member
Everyone is complaining but we should encourage the team. Its only baby step and don't wish it to run so soon and they already mention it that it is not a fully functional so keep patience and enjoy the game. Optimism help you to be cool here :):):cheer::BreakDance::beerchug: at least smiley are goooooood.:dancinggirls:lol they r funny :hehe1:


New Member

For a soft launch this wasn't so bad, IMHO.

I had missions to do, missions made me explore and I really liked the design of the land. It reminded me a lot of when I go driving through mountians or hiking off trail in the mountains etc. Almost made me want to leave this weekend and head out to the mountains again :p

I've heard prior to arriving there were no missions, you crash every 2 minutes, you can't TP anywhere all the TP's are overrun by huge mobs and you get stuck with no way out, was told only minable resources are oil and lysterium, mobs are just blobs and crappy looking, there is no content on planet at all, etc the rumors poor'ed in all day until I could get around to experiencing it myself.

Upon arriving I was able to pick up missions right away and start working on them so that rumor was false. I picked up about 15 missions so far and completed about 9 of them in a few hours. I do agree that one mission to buy item from TT was annoying but I just figured it will get fixed in future and moved on.

I am currently stuck on the mining missions though, I have mined the Zorn Star Ore and Yellow Crystals, and still looking for the green crystals but sure they are out there somewhere. So rumor that only Lysterium and Oil are minable is false also. My mission problem is mission states find 5 Zorn Star Ore and return, I found 1 claim of 256 ore, should this mission say find 5 claims of Zorn Star Ore not just 5 Zorn Star Ore? Same goes with Yellow Crystals, I have found 4 claims and hundreds of crystals but mission says to find 10 Yellow Crystal Enmatters. So thinking it is meaning claims here, will finish mining tonight to see if this is the case. But so far all the other missions have worked for me, except that buy item from tt one of course. And still looking for that mob to drop those low grade power cells.

Mobs look great, not sure what that rumor was about. Only problem with mobs I found is when you kill one it immeditly pops up on you again. It makes for real annoying time to work through a mob zone. I had to just run and train mobs away to edge of their spawn areas kill them then move on. At least make spawns, happen in larger area, so they don't pop up on you second after you kill the mob or delay them a bit or something.

Crashes, yes I have experienced a few but nothing I don't experience on other planets especially when on RT. I'd say I crashed in my few hours of play about the same as I do when playing on Calypso around Port Atlantis. Once I got away from that first outpost where you zone in from space, I never crashed again until I got back to the outpost. I did have horrible lag issues, but I tweaked some of my settings to handle those annoying floating star things and now teh horrible lag is gone. Whats the deal with those anyway, they are annoying, create horrible lag, etc...

I have not used the TP's yet to confirm those rumors, scared to with possibilities to get stuck at revive, think I'll fly or walk around first and explore more slowly.

And for no content, really? There was more content on this planet already on one small island then on entire, Arkadia when it came out I think. I have not had any problems finding mobs, mission people, or things to do so far. Not sure how long this will last but I've been busy for 4 hours so far in all. I remember in 6 hours I was down to grinding and mining only on Arkadia when it first came out, exploration was over and no missions at all. So Cyrene dev's get some credit for content I believe.

I am not much of a PVP style player so probably will not look into "The Hub" so I have no comments on that.

I also wish the night cycle was not so damn dark, when I arrived it must have been at start of night cycle because first 1.5 hours was in pitch black, I was starting to think there was not light on the planet. I made my way around by looking for glowing lights lol. I ran into vehicles, rocks, trees, whatever I just could not see a thing, introduce a flashlight if nights are to be this dark. Setting my graphics down to medium during the night cycle did help a little so could be something with high and very high settings, not sure though. Day cycle time planet was awesome looking.

I actually give Cyrene 7 of 10 stars for my limited experience with the planet. I took points off for missions that were unclear and/or undoable, mob spawn rate annoyance issue, and the crash issue but I take one point off on all planets but Arkadia, that seems to be only planet I can play for 10 hours straight without a crash as long as I stay out of Celeste Harbour, lately with new shops it has gotten worse in that area now.

Great soft launch keep up the good work Cyrene staff.

PS: Moderators, if I place this overview in wrong spot feel free to move it.


Kick Ass Elf
Nice report above me. Sounds interesting. I like the sound of the dark night cycles. Such challenges are good. Remember in most cases you can always move to a part of the map that is not dark. Might not be the case with Cyrene yet as this is a smaller launch so maybe when other server areas are available


A pixel guy
Im sorry, we are customer not beta tester...
whats the point to waste peds on a beta planet ?
You knew it's beta and still had come, automatically assuming the role of a betatester. Nobody forced you to, what were your motives? If you were expecting to get an early-bird advantage - like discoveries, new gear, all that stuff - than you bet and lost. But if you just wanted to explore, to step somewhere no one has been before you - there is plenty of that.

It's a lesser evil to use the existing playerbase as betatesters to discover and fix the worst problems before the release than to dump all this on newcomers on the day of Hard Launch, totally failing all the promo campaign. The old players will forgive, we're used to live with broken things for years. Newcomers never would.


New Member
Over lunch break I logged in and person helped me figure out the mining mission glitch. If the mining missions glitches out like it did for me and doesn't accept the finding of 5 Zorn Star Ores or 10 Yellow Crystals etc abandon mission and acquire the mission again and complete it, it is not 5 and 10 claims it is just 5 ores or enmatters even from a single claim.

Few Scars

Positives for the soft launch
1. The TT equipement looks great and is awesome UL equipment for the new player, well done!
2. Landscapes are cool, with some interesting noob mobs
3. Planet has a lot of potential

1. As expected, buggy launch, though I expect it was MindArks end screwing it up
2. Not much to do, without a fully operational mining/crafting and multi level hunting i.e. Level 1-60 mobs

Not sure why a soft launch was opted for when we would have been happy to wait a few more months and be blown away. A bit of an anti- climax I am afraid, I was expecting it to be on par with Arkadia at least.... :(


Last Unicorn
i also like the tt gear. a pistol with 83 reload and 73 cells use makes fun.
also nice is the combat sword with this very nice animation green swirls.
that is what melee need lets hope for ma get the melee amps in and yeah im set :D
armor design top. makes me want to use a flux compacitor to go to july.

flamethrower nice! what planet has such cool tt weapon?

design of areas and mobs i havent noticed yet i have to spend some more time unil i get familiar with. just from the small what i have seen we will have a lot variety from nature to imperium base.

pvp solution with the hub well thought bring the mechs on.

mining was not bad i found cyrene ores on first run with a f105 so whatever the people with their lyst and oil screaming mean i cant acknowledge.

i just hope that the storytelling part will be done completely ingame with animation sequences and sound speech. i think all the connections and movement between the factions is too big to have it in forums.

what was for me abit harsh was the mission with killing the den mother. i had her half down when someone showed up and shot it with a higher gun from other planet and i had to kill again until the mother spawned again.
that is new some like toughest wins here but seems normal in a open world mission. there be always people who let others kill and wait to grab mission mob. happend on the ground where you kill the 5 robots also. can ofc be that was cause all wanted to try the missions. later is more quiet maybe.

repeatable missions to gain armors are good made. gives you a purpose to make something.

the bugs are ofc spoiling the launch abit as it took long developement time and such thing with the hub armor is a pain at release. the crashes normal. every game has these on pre launch as the only possibility to make a loadbalancer test is to invite a mass of players. maybe that was not even the purpose i turned sound off in the client loader and had no crashes anymore.

turellion outpost was abit exhausting to try to get out there but could be done.

cyrene will be first planet absolute gamer oriented with its own style.

now where can i loot real life plutonium for the flux?


New Member
I think the looks are great. Yes it's not finished yet but a lot of stuff for new players attracted to the game is working.

Surely bigger monsters will be added and missions etc. This is an opportunity to explore a bit in advance instead of keeping us waiting any longer. I found a city where theres a sandstorm going through complete with the sound of it and I've not seen anything like that on any other planet. Also areas with lot of beatiful sparkles in the air, it's really different from what I've seen elsewhere. The smoothness in FPS is great so far too.

Yes also the TT weapons are fun. Bit more of action with fast reload stuff even though their low damage per shot will not allow economic amping with an A101 for example perhaps.

Mining well I remember going to Arkadia and dropping probes worth 50 ped TT and getting exactly 0 claims. Here maybe I have found just 3 resources but at least those are finds. Again at Arkadia launch the loot consisted of crap stuff only and no items for long in my experience. This is how the system starts on every new planet I'm sure. Maybe things have to be cycled first in order to get better things in loot. I did loot some planet specific stuff too though as in mob parts.

One of the things I have found the first days is that mobs that require a decent amount of damage inflicted to kill often loot below 1 ped. But yesterday I found a few that paid 6-30 ped loot, so seems to me that is getting balanced somehow now.

Still on the planet.