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Solo Play in Cyrene Hub?

Aryana Ary Softheart

Active Member
Is there anything to do in the Cyrene hub as a solo player? Proving grounds, or anything at all? I've gone into a couple of the instances and as no other players were there, I couldn't find anything to do.


Turrelian lurkers are in "The Hub"... you´ll see a Turrellion and a swirls.... is the entry... and collect green limes for a coat... or sell for a good MU... and more things you can do in cyrene...

Aryana Ary Softheart

Active Member
Thanks Franki. are you referring to the "Proving Grounds"? that's the only area I seem to be able to enter, yet there are no mobs, nor other players there.

Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.