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Some thoughts


Travelling through time...
Hello everyone!

Some of you remember me as the guy who made guides for Cyrene a while back.

I took a break from Entropia starting from december, was getting tired from everything related to this game. Now after more than 6 months and a very good time spent playing other games where I don't have to encounter bugs in almost everything I do (not to mention cost to play), I decided to just leave Entropia completely. This was not rushed decision by any means. I was planning quitting for over 2 years now and that time has finally come.

But before I do!

I noticed that some of my guides are still fairly popular, for example Cyrene map. Since I was making all guides by myself (giving credits to players who contributed with information), all of them obviously will get more outdated by the time.

So I decided to let everyone use them as open source now. I will allow copy permission for all my google docs. That way if someone decide to start making their own guides, they can freely use my work without any limits.

I will ask forum moderators to close most of my guide threads since no one will be able to edit them anyway.

If someone really wants to contact me outside the game, they can use this e-mail apemss@gmail.com. I don't check it daily but that will have to do to get in contact from the start.

That seems to be all I guess.

Have a nice day! Good luck and have fun in your Entropia adventures!


Active Member
Quick question: Did you made guides for the other games too? If answer is NO - they obviously suck and you will be back before Cyrene Hard Launch :cheer: (sneaky arrow to Cyrene devs:)

"The company along with CKI is corrently working in cojunction with MindArk to create and expansion pack to
the science fiction MMOG in the Entropia Univers." (sneaky arrow to digitalscryers website devs:)
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