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Something I wanted to ask for 4 years


Active Member
A mech can simply be implemented as a creature pill. You just cannot loot while being a mech. Problem solved.. Hard launch imminent?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

A mech can simply be implemented as a creature pill. You just cannot loot while being a mech. Problem solved.. Hard launch imminent?

We also thought that could be a solution, to use the UCMs, but, it's not as cut and dry as all that I'm afraid. Not to mention the general limitations: How to spawn it if it's a pill, doesn't make much sense. Also no HUD for UCMs.

Ty Haruto; It seems Mech system is like the weapon UL from the ARC stage 3... never or in 10 years maybe ... :mad:

While I don't think it will take 10 years, it is more difficult than players might realize, not to mention the things that aren't part of the system but related to it, like balancing/server restrictions/etc that need to be considered.



Well-Known Member
While I don't think it will take 10 years, it is more difficult than players might realize, not to mention the things that aren't part of the system but related to it, like balancing/server restrictions/etc that need to be considered.

I understand, it's not easy to create, but it's easy to fill the arc vendors stage 3 and nothing after how many month, years ? :Cry3:

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Justine,

I understand, it's not easy to create, but it's easy to fill the arc vendors stage 3 and nothing after how many month, years ? :Cry3:

That is not something that we (Planet Cyrene) have the power to do, only MindArk can fill the vendors.



Well-Known Member
Hey Justine,

That is not something that we (Planet Cyrene) have the power to do, only MindArk can fill the vendors.


Ok, but you can speak to mindark and ask why they never give this reward ? We have a deal, we do our part and we reach 1200 ARC Badges, it take around 5 month to do it, it's a hard work ! And no reward... This is something i can't understand. Where is your part of the deal ?
You should explain to MA that, this is not correct about players. Why reward in Arkadia work and not at Cyrene ? I miss something ? I am on the wrong planet ?
I am relatively new on this game but i think i play well for you and MA. If a player is happy, he will play more. If he don'tbe happy, he make more pause.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Justine,

Ok, but you can speak to mindark and ask why they never give this reward ? We have a deal, we do our part and we reach 1200 ARC Badges, it take around 5 month to do it, it's a hard work ! And no reward... This is something i can't understand. Where is your part of the deal ?
You should explain to MA that, this is not correct about players. Why reward in Arkadia work and not at Cyrene ? I miss something ? I am on the wrong planet ?
I am relatively new on this game but i think i play well for you and MA. If a player is happy, he will play more. If he don'tbe happy, he make more pause.

I can assure you that we're working with MindArk to get the vendors filled that aren't filling and getting the vendors that are filling very slowly to fill at a faster rate. Nobody wants the rewards out more than us but it's not something we can do alone.

As soon as I have more information I'll post it up to you guys in regards to this.



Well-Known Member
Ok, but you can speak to mindark and ask why they never give this reward ? We have a deal, we do our part and we reach 1200 ARC Badges, it take around 5 month to do it, it's a hard work ! And no reward... This is something i can't understand. Where is your part of the deal ?
You should explain to MA that, this is not correct about players. Why reward in Arkadia work and not at Cyrene ? I miss something ? I am on the wrong planet ?
I am relatively new on this game but i think i play well for you and MA. If a player is happy, he will play more. If he don'tbe happy, he make more pause.
I guess you now realized why most of us stopped doing this mission.
Don't waste your time and money unless you see the stocked items.


Well-Known Member
I am angry about that because i spend since 6 month all my time and my money on this ! For what ? Nothing ... Where is the pleasure ? I am sorry i complain alot about that because you did not realize when you like to do something and at the end this thing are not like it must do !

Now i know, you work about this problem, i'll wait and see but i'm gonna not wait 6 more month.:confused:


Well-Known Member
I am angry about that because i spend since 6 month all my time and my money on this ! For what ? Nothing ... Where is the pleasure ? I am sorry i complain alot about that because you did not realize when you like to do something and at the end this thing are not like it must do !

Now i know, you work about this problem, i'll wait and see but i'm gonna not wait 6 more month.:confused:
Good look with that! I am leaving this planet! Will not spent a single pec there.
15 months of waiting is more than enough :bduh: