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Space : Cyrene SS Training Ground...


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I'm watching this thread, there's a lot of good discussion here.

I also have been told that in the near future we will have our own space training grounds (on par with other planet partners have), but I think sooner than a PP VU. This is something that MindArk is doing for us and not something we can do ourselves.


Hi Kris,

Any update?


Well-Known Member
I found it :)

space area.jpg

Thanks Kris and Drifter:)


Well-Known Member
Thanks to C-team for implementing.
And thanks Drifter007 for the coords.

Z coord is a bit tricky, so if you take the regular roads to caly or ark is likely to miss it.


Hey guys,

I'm watching this thread, there's a lot of good discussion here.

I also have been told that in the near future we will have our own space training grounds (on par with other planet partners have), but I think sooner than a PP VU. This is something that MindArk is doing for us and not something we can do ourselves.

Sad to say... I am WELL familiar with "NEAR fUTURE"... Best example... During WW 1... hundreds of Barrachs buildings were built with "T" on the building number... meaning: Temporary...... these same buildings were used for housing recruits in WW 2... then North Korea and Viet Nam... some STILL exist and are used, even now... 100 years later...... how long is "temporary" and how long is "soon" to me... this is just a "snowjob" word for "If I feel like getting off my duff... maybe".


Sandal San Tolk
Whoever did this was very thoughtful. You don't have to maneuver around it if all you want is fly out to another planet. And if you want to hunt in TG, it is more difficult for pirates to camp your location as it gives you a large window removed from standard traffic for returning to the planet. So this should be the best current location for getting some practice in individual space hunting. Thanks for that!


Active Member
...down is the way the long thin end of the space station points, by the way, and all the planets you can see in the distance are basically on the same plane at zero z coordinates ;)