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Wish List Space Training Grounds


General | Victory
Hello everyone,

My name is George Geo Clone, Owner & Operator of the Aniara Class Mothership 'Victory'

I am not sure if this has been discussed before.

But, is there any reason why Planet Cyrene does not have a Training Grounds by its Space Station like every other Planet?

I like Cyrene alot.. I should like to spend much more time there and try to help promote the Planet. But there is no incentive for me to dock my Mothership at its Space Station for extended periods of time if there is no Training Grounds for my Crew or myself to Skill in during our down time between Warps and Scheduled Repair Runs.

I would like to have our base of operations out of Cyrene SS and I think it would be a great service to the community to be able to offer regular Repair Skilling Runs just outside its Atmosphere.

If there is anything that I can do to help facilitate or initiate this change, I would gladly offer my services and resources.



General | Victory
Oh? this is great news!

My apologies for being misinformed if there was a tg added.
I will head over after work to try and locate the New Training Grounds!
Looking forward to spending much more time on Cyrene!
If anyone is interested in Repair Skilling or any other Services in the future, feel free to contact me here, on our website or ingame.

Best regards,

George Geo Clone


General | Victory
So I managed to find the Cyrene Training Grounds today. However, it is very far from the Space Station.

This is not ideal for Mothership and Privateer crews looking to skill, as Space Mobs become ‘dry’ of Pilot skill gains, similar to sweating and must be killed so not to leave ‘dry’ mobs floating around the tg. Usually this means taking the ‘mob ball’ to the Space Station to be turreted before starting another Run. With the Space Station so far away from the Training Grounds, ships will not skill here for this reason.

At the moment, Planet Arkadia’s tg is the most favourable and popular Training Grounds due to its very close proximity to the Space Station.

If you want to attract ship loads of players to Cyrene Space and potentially Planet Cyrene, I highly recommend considering moving the Training Grounds as close to the Space Station as possible.

@Kris | Cyrene would the dev team ever consider making a move like this?


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I believe this is on mindark`s field, since Cyrene team doesn`t create content for space.

Gisela Dawes is correct, MindArk is the one who creates space content, we can only create content for Planet Cyrene (and by extension the Hub).

However, in the interest of fairness across all planets, I will bring up that training grounds should all be similarly distanced to space stations for a future update.



General | Victory
Thank you Kris,

It would be greatly appreciated if you were able to facilitate this move.
Please try to make a strong case with MA regarding this. I think it is a crucial change that needs to happen if you want to attract more ships to Cyrene Space and potentially Planet Cyrene.

In good faith of this request, I am going to start offering Reduced warp flights to planet Cyrene as well as offer a FREE weekly Warp to Planet Cyrene from Calypso starting tonight Friday January 11th.
Time to be announced later tonight when online.

George Geo Clone


General | Victory
Hey Kris,

Just wondering if you’ve had a chance to discuss with MA regarding the relocation of the Cyrene Training Grounds closer to the Space Station?



Sandal San Tolk
If you think -1555 is too much, fine, but please do keep it a safe distance below the center plane. To me, a big advantage of the unique positioning of Cyrene's space training ground is its z-offset putting it out of the way when I just want to travel to and from Cyrene. When I travel in and out of e.g. Arkadia or Rocktropia or Next Island, I always have to circumnavigate their training grounds to avoid running into mobs I'm not prepared to hunt. It was very smart of Cyrene to observe these details and optimize when they finally and so much belatedly got their own.

Besides re. fairness and equality, Calypso's training ground is much further from its planet than any other one. This of course doesn't mean one can't create a better offer, but equality wouldn't be the argument for it, rather the opposite.

While I haven't engaged in space hunting myself yet, I thought about how I might want to go about it and would like to remind mothership owners of other viewpoints than their own. For you, sitting safely in a thick shell of SI carrying repair skillers to their ground, distance is an inconvenience. For the individual hunter in a quad it might be a life-saver. I had wondered about the positioning of Calypso training ground in the beginning, but on second thought found that it is much more intelligent than it looks. The activities around Calypso's space station and satellites at first sight appear to greatly increase the obstacles to crossing the abyss, especially for an unskilled person out for training. But you start there without loot, and the pirates should let you go after testing it once. When loaded with loot, and more urgently after triggering a broadcast message when you got a global, you want to get out of there and back to safety unseen, if possible. The Calypso and Cyrene training grounds due to their positioning make this much easier. Pirates have to decide between camping the station or the training ground for a chance to catch anyone, there is no bottleneck they can occupy. It is only due to the current associated cost and imperfections of Entropia Space that our focus is so one-sided between these preferences. If we are to believe in any future development, this will and should not remain so.


General | Victory
I will have to disagree with some of that argument. But I would agree that if the distance from the center of the SS to the center of the TG is similar to Ark’s, then having the Training Grounds below Cyrene Space Station would be optimal.

The inconvenience for someone in a Quad or Sleipnir is maybe 10-15 seconds to ‘circumvent’ a Training Grounds occasionally when traveling. But you really don’t need to do this as you are much faster than a Cosmic Horror, spawns are sparse and they do little damage.
There is no clear paths between TPs planet side and space does not need to be an exception, as clear paths exist in all directions already.

Where as with a Mothership, it is 10-15 Minute delays, one way, dozens of times a day for a ship of about a dozen crew or more that have to wait and slowly travel back and forth from the TG to SS between Skilling Runs to drown the ‘dry’ mobs similar to sweating. Losing valuable skills and pills time.

As for the location of Calypso’s Training Grounds, you are more likely to encounter a pirate there than a player actually trying to hunt cosmic horrors than any other TG. But for the most part, Caly and Cyrene TGs are deserted.
Planet Arkadia’s Space Station and Training Grounds is by far the best place for casual skilling and hunting.
Every Training Grounds has cosmic horrors. So a global giving away your location is unlikely and you have plenty of time to flee in any direction regardless. Also, hunting in a Quad, you would only be able to kill a couple mobs before having to return to a planet, ss or ms for repairs anyways.

For the past month, Victory has been offering Free Weekly Warps to Planet Cyrene followed by a Skilling Run at Cyrene TGs every Friday evenings to help promote the community. I will continue to offer this service for the foreseeable future. This, however, is not in the ship’s best interest, as it is now. Saturday and Sunday main Skilling Runs are done elsewhere for this reason. I would like to leave the ship docked at Cyrene SS during the week and do the majority of our operations from there. But it is not justifiable as is and currently Ark SS is the best option for most ships.
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General | Victory
Also, MA controls Space content so I do not believe the location of the Training Grounds was by Cyrene design.

With Planet Calypso however, their Training Grounds is exactly where the Dev's of Calypso and MA wanted it.

I believe every Planet Partner should have a say in where their Training Grounds is located in the server of space surrounding their Planet to best suit their communities needs. This is in the interest of Planet Partner fairness. Calypso's Training Grounds is where it is by design.
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Sandal San Tolk
It definitely takes more than 10-15 seconds. And you do not want to accidentally take damage in an (L) quad, no matter how little, therefore you don't just wing it through their sparsity. Most solo travellers like to set the direction and go afk after having left SS just beyond visual distance. The inconvenience where you can't do this is likely about the same for both of us, hence the conflict of interest.

I'm also getting different information about solo-hunting horrors from players who claim to have done it themselves. From what I heard before, and renewed just now after seeking expertise again: Yes, it is possible with the right tactic to hunt them without taking any SI damage (details provided), hence theoretically indefinitely. This leads me to uphold the distance argument. At least it should be designed with this in mind and in a way which avoids creating a bottleneck pirates can camp to cover both TG and SS at the same time, as said. Whether Cyrene or MindArk has suggested the current positioning of Cyrene TG is probably irrelevant, at least someone was thinking ahead.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
I'm not allowed in space =P

I do have to say that these two opposing positions are very interesting to me.

Mindark hasn't said anything about it yet, one way or the other, and like I mentioned before, we (Planet Cyrene) don't have a say about Space so I don't know what the right answer is here.
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