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Bug Report Spear Mk1? Limited or Unlimited

Few Scars

Hi Dev team

Can you clarify a few things with the Spear mission.
1. The info box title states "Spear Mk1", this would imply it is an Unlimited vehicle. However the info slip states it is a Limited vehicle.
2. Are true (c) unlimited versions due out?
3. Crafters will be chomping at the bit to get BPs, are there new vehicle BPs ready to be looted?


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Few Scars,

1) Yes this vehicle is limited
2) Yes, but not for this coming VU.
3) Yes, they should be discoverable from crafting other items.


New Member
I'll add to this - you are aware that Spear has no destruction animation (the Spear disappears - except for the worthless head and tail lights which come on for a few seconds).
