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Spear V.5-346

Few Scars

Hi Cyrene citizens

I crafted some of these yesterday. They handle beautifully and have good armour stats.

Spear v5 346.jpg


Active Member
How is it on taking damage from hidden blades of grass etc, even on supposedly clear roads? I know many of these invisible places now, but it's like driving around potholes and I jump in vehicles other than my mission spear in most cases. Hopefully this version only punishes real crashes!
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Sandal San Tolk
It's been a while, are these things still around or someone with the bp? Just came up with the thought that it might be the ideal vehicle for mining. I guess the lower speed would be quite okay in stop-and-go mode and definitely be more eco than anything else.

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
information is here: http://cyreneforum.com/threads/cyrene-june-18th-2013-vu-notes.1260/
  • The Spear vehicle series on Cyrene has undergone some name and stat changes:
    • Spear Mk. I (L) → Spear MK. I (L)
      • Fuel Consumption (active) – 0.06 Oil/km
      • Fuel Consumption (passive) – 0.03 Oil/km
      • Capacity - 25
      • Max Speed - 36
    • Spear v5-346 (L) → Spear MK. II (L)
      • Fuel Consumption (active) – 0.09 Oil/km
      • Fuel Consumption (passive) – 0.04 Oil/km
      • Capacity - 30
      • Max Speed – 39.6
    • Spear vI (L) → Spear MK. III (L)
      • Fuel Consumption (active) – 0.15 Oil/km
      • Fuel Consumption (passive) – 0.05 Oil/km
      • Capacity - 40
      • Max Speed – 43.2
    • Spear Mk. III → Spear MK. IV (L)
      • Fuel Consumption (active) – 0.16 Oil/km
      • Fuel Consumption (passive) – 0.11 Oil/km
      • Capacity - 45
      • Max Speed – 50.4

-The Chief

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
I see, thanks for the info. Guess I skipped the details when this came out. But what happened to the unlimited ones crafted before? Entropedia still lists them.

What happen was when I discovered some of the first spears they were labeled like they were UL but in reality were unrepairable just a minor mistake which was later fixed to reflect spear (L)in fact i just remember this screenshot.


2012-05-09 -- Spear Mk. I 0 PED .jpg
PRINT SCREEN 2012-05-09 14-0-30.jpg

Not only did it label it as Unlimited but it was also Color-able!

-The Chief


Sandal San Tolk
Bye-bye to another pipe dream then. Thanks for clearing that up. Folks from other planets keep picking up the bait though and will come back asking the same thing, if the misleading info remains in the wiki. Shall we better delete it from Entropedia?

PS: I only now realized that it actually says it's limited in the screenshot above. Gee, blindness as usual. It's the greed thing getting one hooked if the first glance gives a wrong impression.
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Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
I did bug Kris about keeping the (C) colorable version in it, Don't think he liked that idea. Oh well cmon Color-able Lancers!