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Stalker mission unlock


Dave Neuromancer

One of my favorite mobs on Cyrene are the stalkers, and I'm perfectly set up for them. When I heard of a daily stalker mission I was all ready to deposit huge amounts of money and do nasty things to the tin cans.

But the way to get the mission is through the Hub and a proving ground coat.

This is really frustrating for a lot of reasons - no one in the hub, personally hating pvp, reinstalling mindforce chips etc.

So I'm going to start a one ava campaign to get the stalker broker planetside. I think this thread will have a lot of bumps.

I'm sorry Kris but I feel putting a planetside mission in an off planet pvp area is not a good idea. There are better ways to promote The Hub.


Well-Known Member
well if you need the coat, you will have to gather 550.000 lime green tokens.
The only one crazy enough to get that many has been "George Ace Skywalker".
The tokens spawn in the proving grounds in the hub. I think about 10 spawn per minute, so it would take about 4 months with 8 hours per day to gather them.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I talked to some people in game about this a while ago, what will happen is that there will end up being alternative ways to unlock this mission in the future.



Dave Neuromancer
Hi Kris
and thanks to others who responded to the thread

as a bump I'd like to post some tunes. Once a day until this gets implemented.

Alan Parsons Project - I Robot


Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I talked to some people in game about this a while ago, what will happen is that there will end up being alternative ways to unlock this mission in the future.


The downside to this is, it will end the hub. currently people are only going there for the green tokens, giving a different way to earn this could mean people don't go to the hub at all anymore. i would vote to keeping the green token part the same, but other ways to earn the tokens without PVP


Fate Thanatos Themis
hub should be about earning peds by showing pvp skills where items and skills are quite simmilar, so im not sure if ppl grinding lime tokens are rly important from this point of view. PG is just a test field

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
hub should be about earning peds by showing pvp skills where items and skills are quite simmilar, so im not sure if ppl grinding lime tokens are rly important from this point of view. PG is just a test field
Agreed, but no one is PVPing, so its better to grind tokens otherwise might as well turn the HUB sever off. however, i would like to see the cyrene team run some events in the hub


Dave Neuromancer
Thinking about the original post - a once a day bump might be a bit excessive - and would strain my robot themed music library. Once a month or so might be better.

As Kris mentioned he did comment on this topic earlier.

And of course MA is out to lunch for most of July and August so turning the heat on Cyrene devs is not fair.

However, I'm trying to think of a mob mission where the planet side mob is unlocked from another area/server.

Unlock stalkers planetside for the win!

I'll leave the usefulness of The Hub for another week's bump.


Agreed, but no one is PVPing, so its better to grind tokens otherwise might as well turn the HUB sever off. however, i would like to see the cyrene team run some events in the hub

Cyrene team tried to run some events there, TEN event too if I remember correctly, but for some players the HUB is broken, with the guns there not being maxed even though it's designed to be a level playing field for all. Last I checked I was one of them, with some of the weapons not being maxed. Unfortunately MA has been 'unable to replicate the issue' so far, and till they fix it a lot of players won't be able to participate...


Fate Thanatos Themis
Cyrene team tried to run some events there, TEN event too if I remember correctly, but for some players the HUB is broken, with the guns there not being maxed even though it's designed to be a level playing field for all. Last I checked I was one of them, with some of the weapons not being maxed. Unfortunately MA has been 'unable to replicate the issue' so far, and till they fix it a lot of players won't be able to participate...

its just to balance ur skill level so other player would have a chance competing with u ;)


its just to balance ur skill level so other player would have a chance competing with u ;)

Heh, even if I wasn't a huge noob, I suck so much at PvP that everyone would run circles around my dead body over and over :) The idea of the HUB is hugely appealing - equal skills, equal equipment at least at the start. But for some it doesn't work, since not everyone has all the weapons maxed like they should :/


Dave Neuromancer
pre-VU/planet partner content bump.

Planetside stalker broker ftw. :)

Slaughter in Robot Village by the Canadian group FM released in 1979. I have the original vinyl somewhere in a box in my parent's house. I guess I'm showing my age here hehe.



Active Member
I don't recall this group, sounds like a rush wanna be group, or maybe rush milli vanilli'd them :D
I guess I just carbon dated myself too.


Dave Neuromancer
Hub Duvall is now planetside for the Stalker and Living Vortex missions.

Thanks Kris

I was expecting a longer wait for this, and had a fairly good playlist that would have lasted until December or so.

So I will close this thread out with the worst robot themed song ever written - Mr Roboto by Styx. It is so corny you could make soup out of it and still have enough left over for popcorn.



Active Member
You have to remember, that song came out in the early 80's. Folks were still oogling over the original star wars and buck rogers. They didn't have Cyrene around to show them what rotten s$^ts robots can really be sometimes :D



Active Member
BTW something kind of odd and very cool..when viewing the videos here all have Entropia Universe ads.


Active Member
Not odd at all, google looks at the site and targets the ad's it shows to match. In a way kind of non innovative, it's like, umm I already AM on that site, I don't need to see ad's for it. I guess they do that to get those who are just browsing and may not have been there already. At least they are not showing ad's for a competitor, that might upset some.



Active Member
Not odd at all, google looks at the site and targets the ad's it shows to match. In a way kind of non innovative, it's like, umm I already AM on that site, I don't need to see ad's for it. I guess they do that to get those who are just browsing and may not have been there already. At least they are not showing ad's for a competitor, that might upset some.

Again I say it's odd. I'm guessing you are new to game :)