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Stolen Imperium Armor Sets Vendor time left

Your a bunch of idiot ass kissers, you could keep sucking up or get a real life, the options are unlimited. Maybe its time to move out of your moms house San?
Out of ~three people who've been freaking out over armor saga and other recent mishaps, two are NVE members. Coincidence, or does anyone bother to offer a good conspiracy theory? :)


Sandal San Tolk
You are free to disagree, but you have no idea where I am, Shark, so just... stuff it.

Deo Ingie

I agree with the post about the original mission for the armor was a pain in the arse, 3 badges a day. I am still hoping for a decent UL gun with some range in one of these factions. I got the armor and am still doing all my daily's.
I think the Cyrene team handled the armor situation pretty well. Kris had originally given us ~5 days notice after a lot of people had come here to get it. then it was a week or so of pure yelling at Kris and MA to let the people who started the mission finish it, plus we had more available badges to get each day. Then they added 12 days once the npc's were introduced.