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Wish List Stop trolling with Imperium officer and mob idle running 50m/s

Do you want this fixed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • No, I like to get trolled when trying to do Epic mission, also love when mobs run away from me.

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Active Member

There's a fixed spawn for only Imperium officer. So why does it also need spawn right in the middle of all the Grunt/scout/vet imperium spawn, spawn imperium officers right in the middle of it.

Also the terrain is seriously hilly, and since mobs walk 50m/per second you tend to lose them or aggro others, namely the troll mob also known as Imperium officer.

I'm talking about South of Ngu volcano [132693, 78285, 110]
And apparently it also spawns (maybe based on amount of kills) on the Imperium Harbor
[131456, 77865, 120].

I'm trying to do the Epic mission chain, but this amount of trolling and dying makes me wanna leave, one guy that was doing them also left because of 20 deaths in one hour.

Also seriously, ever since I can remember Cyrene always had this stupid retardness of mobs walking seriously far away and fast for no apparent reason. Just WHY????????


Active Member
I think the officer Spawns if you kill enough pilots? They can hof pretty nicely.
Yeah mobs move a bit aggressively on Cyrene. It's what makes the planet different.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

There's a fixed spawn for only Imperium officer. So why does it also need spawn right in the middle of all the Grunt/scout/vet imperium spawn, spawn imperium officers right in the middle of it.

Spawn answers this correctly:

I think the officer Spawns if you kill enough pilots? They can hof pretty nicely.

That being said since the dedicated spawn is very nearby, we can increase the number of kills to spawn the Imperium Officer from that spawn, or remove it all together.

Also the terrain is seriously hilly, and since mobs walk 50m/per second you tend to lose them or aggro others, namely the troll mob also known as Imperium officer.

I'm talking about South of Ngu volcano [132693, 78285, 110]
And apparently it also spawns (maybe based on amount of kills) on the Imperium Harbor
[131456, 77865, 120].

I'm trying to do the Epic mission chain, but this amount of trolling and dying makes me wanna leave, one guy that was doing them also left because of 20 deaths in one hour.

For the next PP VU, we'll reduce the movement speed of the Imperium Officers by ~50% and try to force them to stay more on target.



Active Member
Hey guys,

That being said since the dedicated spawn is very nearby, we can increase the number of kills to spawn the Imperium Officer from that spawn, or remove it all together.

For the next PP VU, we'll reduce the movement speed of the Imperium Officers by ~50% and try to force them to stay more on target.

I think the officer Spawns if you kill enough pilots? They can hof pretty nicely.

Yeah mobs move a bit aggressively on Cyrene. It's what makes the planet different.
Why does it need to spawn Officers if you kill enough pilots? Btw, i was hunting the grunt/scout/vet not the pilots, and in this spawn there were Officers, lots of them.
I vote for remove it all together since, there's already a fixed spawn for Officers as far as I know.
As for the mob moving around excessively. It sure does make Cyrene unique, but that doesn't mean it's a good feature.

As a melee user, it's a nightmare at least when coupled together hilly terrain.

So having the mobs not move so excessively, would be the quickest "fix" to this. Particularly the bigger mobs, they are the ones that can walk 50m/s. :monkey_slap:I feel like they are doing this to me


Active Member
I like the officers, you say there is a fixed spawn somewhere? If there is a fixed spawn, then it is not necessary to keep the officers near the pilots. Do you know where the fixed spawn is?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Spawn,

I like the officers, you say there is a fixed spawn somewhere? Do you know where the fixed spawn is?

I think that because this was part of the Dynamic Upgrade Map I can tell you this location: 132014, 77396

They are above where all the new spider bots are now.



New Member
I would like the officers to be totally removed from that spawn as they already have a spawn why should they troll with noobs like me.


I would like the officers to be totally removed from that spawn as they already have a spawn why should they troll with noobs like me.

I have always hated mixed spawns. Hated them 12+ years ago, still hate now. Speaking of officers, would be awesome if they would dissapier from Fenris Elite spawn too. Its hard enough to hunt fenris that walk around like they got ants in the pants, officers dont make the life easier :)


Sandal San Tolk
You need to do that for all mobs, not just the Officers.
No. It is a typical characteristic of this planet that many mob species are more agile than elsewhere and this is part of the challenge. If you want them to stand still for your shooting convenience, Arkadia is your place (I'm not saying that's bad, just different).

I'd say what could be improved somewhat is the visual mismatch between running speed and leg movement, which especially with human-like mobs such as Imperiums makes them appear a bit ridiculous (maybe too strong a word but I'm lacking a better expression for the nuance).
We killed a couple hundred Imperium Scouts back in December and were attacked by an Officer only once... well, in fact we accidentally shot him first. :)

Some mobs are not made for melee.