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Strategic Investment Guide : Your In Game Guide to Financial Success in Entropia Universe


New Member

Divinity Deth Undefined and James Bling Cash Present

SIG ( Strategic Investment Guide)

Free Guidance Service Previously Done

Tired of Losing peds everyday no matter what you do?

Does Entropia seem like a bottomless pit of deposit?


You are simply a newbie and do not want to end up in one of the above states

Being a full fledged RCE ( Real Cash Economy), Entropia Universe distinguishes itself from the rest of the MMORPG’s out there in that out here you actually get to learn financial responsibility much akin to that which you learn in real life.

We, at SIG have come up with a solution for those who are interested in either

Profiting from the game


Skilling up and enjoying the game with minimum deposits

We at SIG understand that profiting is not the goal of everyone. Some of us want to just skill up and have fun while doing that. However am sure that no one enjoys depositing endlessly to finance there entertainment.

We have written a premium guide on the monetary aspects of Entropia Universe. It is a free to download e-book which can be obtained on registering on the website. It will provide you an insight into the various mentalities in game along with the opportunities which are there to be taken. We would suggest anyone who has long term plans for EU to give it a read. After all, it does not cost a dime 

Beyond the guide, what we are offering is a informal Mentoring process for those interested in learning the indepth working of the economy at EU. It is not related to in game mentoring as in it is focused on your finances. We will be there to guide you throughout your entropian career.

Just to give a broad perspective, here’s what we have to offer :


1. We will guide you in which armor/gun setup would suit you best and which mob ( animal) you should be hunting to maximise your profit potential.
2. We will help you in purchase/sale of your guns/amps/armor/stackables.
3. Do you love PvP? want to learn tips,tecnniques and Tricks to help you survive and profit in Entropia we also provide classes and seminars regarding this to help you get Pro.


1. We will provide you with latest information on resource allocation across the Entropia Universe.
2. We track most of the materials with high MU and we will provide you with indepth knowledge on which finder you need to use in which area at what time to maximise your ROI.
3. Mining we believe is not only about going for the highest MU at all times. There is much more to mining then just that. We will train you in your expertise when it comes to mining.


1. We will provide you with details on what not to craft and what would have better chances in terms of profitability.
2. We will also help you with how to skill up in certain specialized crafting skills with minimum investment.
3. We will help you acquire resources are reduced prices and sell your products too.

TRADING ( This Alone is worth twice the membership fee that we charge)

1. We will provide you with evaluation of any item and provide you with data which will help you trade in these items.
2. We will provide you with niche specific advice and depending on budget help allocate your money.
3. We will also provide you with partnerships on larger trade deals ( Subject to conditions including collateral requirements. This will not happen till we all are confident with each other to some extent)

This program is developed for those who are either new to EU or for those who are looking to improvise there gameplay. Collective gameplay helps a lot in EU and as such the benefits from the program can be instrumental for those willing to try.

In Addition

We reserve the right to cancel/not accept subscription offers from individuals. If you have made paypal payment already, you will be refunded the amount in full. We would like to build a close circle of associates and keep it that way.



Fate Thanatos Themis
alright, so we gonna charge for data provided in this forum too, or create close circle of trusted individuals with we share it, cheers!


New Member
Q and A for SIG Membership Program

Question A. What are the benefits of SIG Gold Membership?

Answer A. What we are providing is a complete package which will help you profit in EU. Profit can be made by hunting/mining and trading. Crafting as a profession is much tougher to profit in and as such it will not be suggested for a good while during the program.

A few things which while not listed as a part of the program, is provided to the members nevertheless

1. We usually have a lot of stuff to sell and quite a few below MU. I offer a generous commissions exclusively to the members who help with the sale.

Example : One of the members yesterday had a friend who wanted to buy a UL Jarhead Armor set. I had one for sale which i was selling for +1100 peds. we would not sell for below that price which if you check market rates is pretty standard price. The member got the sale done and we gave him 50 peds as commission for the sale. That is what teaming is about and how we work with people.

2. Initially we have the person monitor his tt returns on a daily basis. We make necessary adjustments to that based on how good/bad that is going. That can include shifting from mining to hunting to trading or any combination of the above.

3. We move a lot between different planets and can help with transfers etc at times. This is not always possible but yes we can work on things to make it work for us.

4. We will be sharing some of the better trade deals with the members as we have done in past with close friends. This we assure you is not because of lack of peds but with the idea of sharing profit with others which we actively believe in. It has come back to me 10 folds as people have helped me along my EU career as well.

5. We will help you buy items at right price and sell for the right price too. Knowledge about current markets is very important and every trader knows this. However if you are not a trader it is not easy to determine a viable price for an item.

The above are a list of a few things which we provide beyond what is stated on the website.

Question B. Why dont you post the name of the people who have subscribed already to the program?

Answer B. There are two reasons for this

1. The person usually tends to get friends who will pester him for details and its not easy to say no when you have a good friend asking you.

2.From the free version of my program, i realised that the people who were in the program were being followed/tracked around by others in the quest to learn as i was only offering the program to limited people. This is very much applicable here as well and as such I would not like the same to happen.

These are the two reasons for which we have no intensions on revealing who is part of the program.

Question C. What sort of guarantee can you give regarding profits from the program?

Answer C. While we can give guarantee of profit from the program there are two concerns which prevent us from giving that

1. We would have no clue or way to verify whether the losses claimed by the participant is real or is he just trying to dupe us out of the membership fee.

2. We have already mentioned that it will require time and money for profiting. We state the minimum requirement in terms of peds to every individual ($500) and a minimum of 2-3 hrs/day of gaming time. With this we believe anyone can cover our fees + earn some for himself.

If there was a way to monitor the individuals I would not mind giving a personal guarantee for profit from the program.

Question D. Why would u care about whether the person profits from the program or not ? Will you just be happy with people trying for a month or two and making $50-100 from each?

Answer D. Firstly, our entire business model is based out of caring about members profit. I know for sure that the best marketing for the program will happen from word of mouth. Any such program in fact in EU will work best by word of mouth from the participants who have already profited from the program

Add to that that a negative review of the business has 10x the effect as a positive review. Thats how human psychology works. We dont mind people having doubts on the forum and question our methods etc before having gone through the program. However, it would be completely unacceptable for me personally if a member feels that way after being a part of the program. So yes, I would go the extra mile for our members if there is any legitimate concern they have.

Question E. Is there a free trial available?

Answer E.
No. I have personally done it and proof is posted on the forum.

Question F. Will there be any reduction in fees going forward?

Answer F. The program itself is in Beta stage i believe ( as in changes might occur in terms of our offering in terms of more diversity etc). However, I can assure you that the level of expertise and help provided will never be provided at a cost lower then what we have already. Prices can only go UP from here and not DOWN. For less then $50/month, I am better off not sharing the information like the rest in EU who prefer not to.

Question G. Why not offer it for $20 and get 100 members , rather then ask for $50 and get 20 members?

Answer G. There is a time cost associated with training/monitoring an individual. Also while it is easier to sell 100 memberships at $20 then sell 20 for $50, it is tougher to get 100 people to profit then 20 people. I prefer the latter as i value my reputation more then $'s and would not provide a service which I cannot deliver.


New Member
have posted Q&A that hopefuly answers your questions any doubts do feel free to contact us ingame or via pm
So your saying that not only will they profit but they will also recoupe that 500-1000 ped a month they pay you? because if you can garentee me to profit plus make 1000 ped to pay u while hunting punys with my TT hk im game sign me up.