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suggested missions?


Active Member
Working my way through the lower level missions on each planet...

Currently working on pleaks and doing the mazeweaver missions daily... (pleaks aren't really daily, but an hour or two a week mostly - I mainly go after them when I eat a loot pill to up the criteria bar on my oratan axe's autoloot passive buff, so just do an hour at a time...)

Completed the fap upgrade mission.

Thinking about doing the ultimate n00b challenge along side the you are Poseidon missions but not sure if it's worth it. (already bought a coat off the auction)..

on the test of faith missions do ANY mobs count, or just those at a certain maturity? (i.e. do the pleak count?)... Seems some mission dialogues don't count puny maturity... might want to clean that up going forward as planet continues to develop. If pleak do count, would it be possible to make them count for the starter part of that mission chain too?

Love the idea of the dailies for stuff like the miner bots, but not sure my budget can afford it (last time I did that one it cost me a full katsuichi determination's tt value and then a bit more to get through it...not sure if the reward makes it worthwhile?)

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hello mastermesh,

on the test of faith missions do ANY mobs count, or just those at a certain maturity? (i.e. do the pleak count?)... Seems some mission dialogues don't count puny maturity... might want to clean that up going forward as planet continues to develop. If pleak do count, would it be possible to make them count for the starter part of that mission chain too?

Alright, so I went back to double check about the Ultimate N00b Challenge, which only accepts the weak/watcher/solider mobs near Altas Hunting Grounds. While I realize that there are 2 new spawns of Pleaks at the Atlas Hunting Grounds now it does prompt some discussion about either:

a) adjusting the Ultimate N00b Challenge mission
b) moving the Pleak spawn away from that area
c) considering an alternate mission to unlock the Test of Faith missions on Cyrene

Love the idea of the dailies for stuff like the miner bots, but not sure my budget can afford it (last time I did that one it cost me a full katsuichi determination's tt value and then a bit more to get through it...not sure if the reward makes it worthwhile?)

This is something that we continually look at when trying to create missions, not every daily mission will be suited for every player type however there are a handful of daily missions that any player skill level can complete. The effort / reward for them need to be enticing enough for repetition while at the same time they can't be abundantly rewarding as to break the formula: it's a fine line.


Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Hello mastermesh,

Alright, so I went back to double check about the Ultimate N00b Challenge, which only accepts the weak/watcher/solider mobs near Altas Hunting Grounds. While I realize that there are 2 new spawns of Pleaks at the Atlas Hunting Grounds now it does prompt some discussion about either:

a) adjusting the Ultimate N00b Challenge mission
b) moving the Pleak spawn away from that area
c) considering an alternate mission to unlock the Test of Faith missions on Cyrene
a) With Pleak only having 10hp adding those to the N00b mission would unbalance the rest, unless its changed to killpoints, 150,000 killpoints, pleak = 1 & rest = 10
b) sounds good
c) its been a long time like this, but it could be made where a ped cost could bypass the first stage. 15k kills, 100hp mobs with eco of 2.85 = 5250 Ped (90% = loss of 525ped, 95% = 262 ) prehaps a mission that involves collecting junk cyrene loot and trading in 270-500ped worth of gear would bypass the stage. Sounds high, but 15k kills isn't a quick task

This is something that we continually look at when trying to create missions, not every daily mission will be suited for every player type however there are a handful of daily missions that any player skill level can complete. The effort / reward for them need to be enticing enough for repetition while at the same time they can't be abundantly rewarding as to break the formula: it's a fine line.


tbh i havn't done dailies so long, the skill gain becomes unnoticable once you have some skills, would be nice if we could choose from 2-3 different skills tho.

and i miss Drill Bots, could they have a repeater? i loved killing them even tho i dont want psyche tokens

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
following on from my last post, i thought about the moving of pleaks

currently the atlas ones are just flying around a bare land with like 1-2 trees, birds need trees.

this is one of your old screenshots and this type of zone would be great, maybe with one massive redwood style tree in the centre making it visable from a distance, would help guide the newbies


Likewise the small Empi on the beach, its just a plain beach, could some of the purple hive kind of things be added onto the rocks behind


Anychance the Imperium could have their homes back too :D


most of these should be already complete models and hopefully wouldn't be too much to drop in