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Suggestion: Dailies, forum, paneleon


Cyrene have several cooldown timers for daily missions, some 21h, some 24h some 12, sometime is hard to keep track of them, specially the ones you need some loot that comes randomly from mobs. So what about instead non talkative npc, what about put a dialog with the remaining time til next avaiable time to reapeat it.

Besides the constant breakdown from time to time, remove the default settings upon creating a new topic and by answering any to send e-mail/watch thread.

This might affect other mobs too, but I'm basing this on paneleon (tameable). When you start to sweat it it starts moving back and forward sometimes strafes left and right, on beggining ok, but most times out of nothing like half sweated, it starts doin this again, I believe due the feature MA placed on mobs to try to avoid players before they aggro. Either fix or remove this, I believe once mob has player aggro it shouldn't leave unless out of range, dead or killed the player.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Merkalael,

Cyrene have several cooldown timers for daily missions, some 21h, some 24h some 12, sometime is hard to keep track of them, specially the ones you need some loot that comes randomly from mobs. So what about instead non talkative npc, what about put a dialog with the remaining time til next avaiable time to reapeat it.

We have wanted to put something like this in already, however, as far as we know, this is not currently possible. I'll talk to MA and see if there any other sort of solutions.

Besides the constant breakdown from time to time, remove the default settings upon creating a new topic and by answering any to send e-mail/watch thread.

I'll tag Admin in this posting and talk about any forum changes / improvements with him. As for the new posting issue that happens from time to time it's something we're working on resolving.

This might affect other mobs too, but I'm basing this on paneleon (tameable). When you start to sweat it it starts moving back and forward sometimes strafes left and right, on beggining ok, but most times out of nothing like half sweated, it starts doin this again, I believe due the feature MA placed on mobs to try to avoid players before they aggro. Either fix or remove this, I believe once mob has player aggro it shouldn't leave unless out of range, dead or killed the player.

Hmm, I'll see about recreating this on the test server and go from there, it does seem a like a strange behavior.

Thanks for the feedback!



We have wanted to put something like this in already, however, as far as we know, this is not currently possible. I'll talk to MA and see if there any other sort of solutions.

A timer would be nice but it would be better if you also standardised the cooldown times. 21 hours works fine for the dailies, so why not make them all 21 hours?


Active Member
Agree with Oleg. Make it a standard timer. 21 is a good number. Some folks have rather 'structured' lives in when they can play or not play, this allows them to do the daily's without eventually having them 'walk away' a day due to the time it takes to actually do one.



I finally were able to make Vegas work on my laptop, here's a visual of the problem that happens with paneleon:

I think is a universe wide problem, since I had recorded once on arkadia a strange carabok behavior while it seems to want attack me but also wants to go away from me

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Agree with Oleg. Make it a standard timer. 21 is a good number.

I agree with both sluggo and Oleg about the daily timers, while I can't adjust this for the upcoming Mini Patch (as some missions might need re balancing/restructuring with a new cool down), I'll personally make sure this gets handled for the next PP VU.

As for Murkalael,

I finally were able to make Vegas work on my laptop, here's a visual of the problem that happens with paneleon:

I think is a universe wide problem, since I had recorded once on arkadia a strange carabok behavior while it seems to want attack me but also wants to go away from me

These are good videos, I'm going to show these to MA as well and we'll see if we can nail down the problem, it might be related to a certain parameter so I'll check out some of the more normal mobs to contrast and compare.



Oh I forgot to mention, this paneleon thing also happens while hunting. I don't know how many servers Cyrene have, but sometimes doing ARC Faction dailies on Collectors XT I have some lag spikes, then while my avatar try to decide if gonna shoot or not, bot starts to show same behavior.


New Member
when sweating/tamming panaleons, i experimented 3 situations; i saw that it was not limited to that mobs, but sweating taming is my main activity when i am on cyrene.
1 the mob stay in front of me and all is normal
2 the mob turn around the avatar
3 the mob walk back and come back in front of the avatar, ans again walk back ...
i say "walk back" because as you can see on the video, the mob go from north to south (or south to north when not on beach side but wall side) and follow the "lines" that you can see on the ground, so i always try to stay on that line where it's easier to keep aim.
i'm actually on calypso and have a few things to finnish before comming back on cyrene, i'll try a few mobs to see if i find the same thing here