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Wish List Suggestion: New missions for under used Mobs

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Hi, i was thinking, currently there are a few mobs that hardly ever get hunted and i think the reason is because there is no reason to, no missions to grind.

Two that spring to mind are: Tree Dragons & Zyn'dos (i know these have a 96 hour mission, but it could do with a grind mission too)

would there be any plans to give these some love? so that we can kill more :samuari:


Well-Known Member
The downside of your suggestion is that mobs that don't have missions on them are usually more profitable. Fewer people hunt them so the resources they loot potentially have higher markups. If every mob has a mission then the potential for profit is decreased. And the possibility to make a profit is one of EU's biggest marketing points.


Active Member
there is a mission for the zyn, the mission is called "the chief's request" and it's given down at the zyn'kimbro village in the little hut with a couple other mission npc's.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
there is a mission for the zyn, the mission is called "the chief's request" and it's given down at the zyn'kimbro village in the little hut with a couple other mission npc's.

yea I've done that one, 40 tokens, repeatable every 96 hours. But I wondered if there could be another, big chained one