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Wish List Summoning totem instance


Active Member
I've never used the summoning totem yet. However I've heard how it works.

Currently the turret is too close to the place where you summon the random mob so it gets killed instantly

Also I'm not sure but KS can be a problem since I heard they ain't shared loot.

My suggestion to fix the above is to make it work like an instance.

Each player = 1x instance. You pay 1x summoning totem to get in and can repeat every 24h?

Please put a revive inside the instance and no time limit so the player can keep trying his luck to kill the random mob inside.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Sub-Zero,

Looks like you're on the same wavelength as another player: >>LINK<<

We'll be looking to do something with this mission in the next PP VU.
