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Swamp Lurkers Spawn Fix

I have noticed that on Cyrene the mobs have a significantly different AI than on other planets. I'm ok with that. They are much more active here and move around all the time. There are a couple of problems though. First off...its difficult to hunt with melee or short range weapons without getting mobbed by tons of stuff. As the creatures are constantly moving, short range hunters like me (Corrosive Attack Chips) have to tag first in order to bring them in. This is ok with this and am all about adapting your style to the mobs and actually find it more interesting. However, most of the mobs don't aggro on one and sometimes even two long range shots. Instead they do a "pre aggro" dance where they back up into the majority of the other mobs in order to pull you in with them and if you ignore them often go off of your radar completely. This makes certain mobs nearly impossible to hunt if other hunters are there or if it is an iffy location.

The big culprit is the Swamp Lurkers spawn south of Zyn Forrest TP beside the river. I wish I could take a video to show you their behavior. I believe that the center of the spawn is in the river so you get small amounts on either side. As soon as you come within range of the swamp lurkers, 30 or so of them start their moving around like bees in a hive and stampede...immediately into the river to drown. While it's humorous to watch, it's very difficult to hunt mobs with a death wish. What I had to do was kill 3 or 4...and waste shots on a few that do that pre aggro dance into the center of the spawn(the river) and cost me extra peds...then swim across the river and watch the initial stampede of 30or so that immediately kill themselves.....and kill 3 or 4 more...again with wasted shots. I mean....I'm cool with them going into the river water because I find it fitting with their name and theme but they die when they do so it's extremely difficult to hunt them.
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hello Mr. Gribble,

I have noticed that on Cyrene the mobs have a significantly different AI than on other planets. I'm ok with that. They are much more active here and move around all the time. There are a couple of problems though. First off...its difficult to hunt with melee or short range weapons without getting mobbed by tons of stuff. As the creatures are constantly moving, short range hunters like me (Corrosive Attack Chips) have to tag first in order to bring them in. This is ok with this and am all about adapting your style to the mobs and actually find it more interesting. However, most of the mobs don't aggro on one and sometimes even two long range shots. Instead they do a "pre aggro" dance where they back up into the majority of the other mobs in order to pull you in with them and if you ignore them often go off of your radar completely. This makes certain mobs nearly impossible to hunt if other hunters are there or if it is an iffy location.

We will certainly look at the aggro for these, see if it can be more normalized.

There's a few things to check, it's not just sort of a "one and done" type of deal, so we'll see what we can do for the next PP VU.

The big culprit is the Swamp Lurkers spawn south of Zyn Forrest TP beside the river. I wish I could take a video to show you their behavior. I believe that the center of the spawn is in the river so you get small amounts on either side. As soon as you come within range of the swamp lurkers, 30 or so of them start their moving around like bees in a hive and stampede...immediately into the river to drown. While it's humorous to watch, it's very difficult to hunt mobs with a death wish. What I had to do was kill 3 or 4...and waste shots on a few that do that pre aggro dance into the center of the spawn(the river) and cost me extra peds...then swim across the river and watch the initial stampede of 30or so that immediately kill themselves.....and kill 3 or 4 more...again with wasted shots. I mean....I'm cool with them going into the river water because I find it fitting with their name and theme but they die when they do so it's extremely difficult to hunt them.

I found this spawn of them, going to move them over a bit and maybe adjust the size as well to help with their drowning, also I think we can try and improve the terrain there a bit as well to stop this from happening around the water.

It's sort of a catch 22, there's no "amphibious" mobs in EU as far as I know, land animals drown and sea animals can't come on land, no in between.

To be clear....I'm not asking the AI be changed. While it can he frustrating I think that adapting your hunting style to the mobs and skills is important. Plus I think it's one of the things that makes cyrene interesting. I'm just pointing out how their hyperactive AI causes these specific creatures to kill themselves in that water. I appreciate the quick reply.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Right, I think the worst thing we could do is over correct.

However the "will they won't they" of their aggro could be improved a bit, no guarantees though. It might end up being exactly the same.


Sandal San Tolk
Meh. Everybody wants their slot machine as convenient as possible. I like it, makes things more interesting and is part of Cyrene's unique character. And believe me I've spit out more than one curse getting dragged after locking on Dire Weed or those Lurkers. Yer just lazy.
Meh. I'm beat up from spending my early 20s as a professional boxer (not a very good one). My hands constantly hurt and I have a hard time switching weapons or heal tools. I play EU while binge watching Boston Legal on Hulu. If I wanted a more involved hunting experience I'd play one of those xbox games my kids play (the ones where you shoot aliens and people stream their characters dancing). EU is for absently playing while I drink beer in my underwear. Lol.
I feel like all of the mobs have this hyper activity. I did the Duster daily at Rookie Training and was using a melee weapon. I hit the first mob one time before he did a dance around every single mob in the herd while I was chasing him and he was dodging and weaving. By the time he stopped every mob was aggroed on me. On another note: their finger guns are the funniest thing I've seen in game...please dont change that.