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Swamplurker invisible bug


New Member
It really frustrates me to make an account here on the forums to report a bug. I would love to hunt on Cyrene but its things like this that maybe take away from the experience.

Swamplurkers seem to go invisible as they target you and move tword you. They proceed to attack so you basically must kill them or fly away. However after you kill them you can't loot them.

It's things like this that make me want to leave...


New Member
There is however a way around this for other hunters, you must pull out the health bar and double click it when killed to loot. Don't make the mistake of not, it costs ped :/


Fate Thanatos Themis
mate, its old and u can find the answer for this issue on forum. I say that cus u will probably face other problems, that got sloved here. just search :)

quick tip is: open actions book, find there "next target" and "loot", bind them to any keys u like, and when lurker fades away, use them to target, and then to loot.


New Member
mate, its old and u can find the answer for this issue on forum. I say that cus u will probably face other problems, that got sloved here. just search :)

quick tip is: open actions book, find there "next target" and "loot", bind them to any keys u like, and when lurker fades away, use them to target, and then to loot.

Ok thanks! Didn't know it was old but why hasn't it been fixed yet since it is?


Fate Thanatos Themis
not yet :( check vu notes from time to time also, there are bugs listed that are not fixed yet.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Zenzile!

Yes, unfortunately we have not been able to resolve this issue and are working closely with MA to find the cause. There are some great work arounds posted by some of our players here though, pulling the health bar out prior to killing is also a work around besides the ones Thanatos posted.


Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Dont forget if you use a rocket launcher to kill huge masses of them like i did, go away far enough so the dead creature 'purple dot' goes off radar then come back to see the creature with model "Not invisible".