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Bug Report Swamplurkers dissapering bug got worse at VU14.3

Hagbard Celine

New Member
Since 14.3 when Swamplurkers go invisible the hitbox disappears completely; it becomes IMPOSSIBLE to hit the mob. While th red dot starts teleporting randomly around or running straight off radar and then teleporting back. All while you take constant hits.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

This has been added to the 14.3 Bug Report thread here: >>LINK<<, I've reported this to MA along with some other issues after this update. When I get more news I will reply here.


Hagbard Celine

New Member
Thank you Kris.
Hope this helps pinpoint the bug with them disappearing.
BTW, I noticed earlier (about 2 VU's ago and back) but forgot to report; In the area west of B.A.R.A.L. the disappearing-effect spread to the Recently Hatched Empi in the area but they became invisible less frequent than the Swamplurkers.

Hagbard Celine

New Member
Update VU;
They got slightly better, almost hunt-able, if you can kill them in 4-7 shots. For a while, and then they start becoming impossible to hit again.
The bug is manifesting in different shapes more often though, before VU 14.3 2of5 was usually going invisible during attack on worst days, while maybe one in 50-70 just went partially invisible, while the hit-box was unaffected.
At VU 14.3 They started out all ok, began bugging after some 15 kills but they did not go invisible they body-parts got randomly spread out over my field of vision, sometimes weirdly stretched, and hit box disappeared.
At VU they start bugging after about 15 kills, and with a new effect where they turn into one-shade-only and their body looks twisted before going invisible. They mostly do not go completely invisible, a few body parts are usually left visible with the hit-box. But it seems it gets worse the longer I hunt them. The hit-boxes gets smaller on the bugged ones, and after about 50 kills the hit-boxes started disappearing totally when they went invisible.

Hagbard Celine

New Member
Found a work-around that makes them hunt-able with lots of patience:
When they the bug gets so bad that the hit-boxes disappear totally; leave the spawn (preferably by flying vehicle as you need to leave all swamplurkers behind), get at-least 5-700 meters from edge of spawn, wait a few sec. and fly back. This will reset any bugged mobs to a sane state so one can finish the kill.

I will probably only work if you are alone in the spawn though.

Hagbard Celine

New Member
Two more things that is new with this bug after VU and minipatch:
When the one you are attacking go invisible the others in view start to flicker or go invisible to, they usually go back to normal as you kill and loot the one you are attacking (by the way, if nobody pointed out this before; they mainly go invisible when in attack mode, and always has), but dependent on timing the whole spawn sometimes gets stuck in a weird state at the moment you kill/loot it.
They tend to keep moving in a straight line AFTER being killed (this behaves like the bug right after Cryengine update where mobs kept moving after being killed) the blue dot running straight off radar popping back to center and repeating, when this happens you have to press loot when the blue dot is close, or you get failed to move to interaction range.